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Main » 2018 » January » 6 » Andersen Tax Makes Debut in Ireland
10:16 AM
Andersen Tax Makes Debut in Ireland

SAN FRANCISCO -Friday, January 5th 2018 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Andersen name will make its debut in Ireland this week as the Irish collaborating firm of Andersen Global, mgpartners, becomes Andersen Tax. The Dublin tax firm became a collaborating firm in August 2016 and is now a member firm of Andersen Global, officially operating as Andersen Tax.

Mark Gorman, Managing Partner in Ireland, commented, “We’ve worked with the Partners at Andersen Tax in the U.S. on client engagements for several years and, more recently, our clients have had an excellent experience with the other member firms of Andersen Global. Joining Andersen Global is undoubtedly a benefit for our clients and we are thrilled to formalize our longstanding relationship under the name Andersen Tax.”

As Andersen Tax, the firm will continue to advise Irish and international clients on tax planning, tax risk management and tax dispute resolution. The firm specializes in advising on complex Irish and cross border tax matters to minimize tax cost and risk, and create value for high value corporations and high net worth individuals. The firm also offers detailed tax compliance and accounting services.

“The adoption of the Andersen name by our Irish colleagues is an exciting development in our firm’s global integration. As our footprint grows within Europe, our global tax team and capabilities continue to strengthen,” said Global Chairman and Andersen Tax LLC CEO, Mark Vorsatz. “It is important to work with synergistic individuals, which is why the transition to Andersen Tax in Ireland is a logical next step.”

Andersen Global is an international association of legally separate, independent member firms comprised of tax and legal professionals around the world. Established in 2013 by U.S. member firm Andersen Tax LLC, Andersen Global now has more than 2,500 professionals worldwide and a presence in over 84 locations through its member firms and collaborating firms.



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Andersen Tax
Megan Tsuei, 415-764-2700

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