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Aurora Fashions Choose BOARD for Business Analytics and Enterprise Reporting
LONDON - Tuesday, November 26th 2013 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Oasis, Coast and Warehouse – all owned by holding company Aurora Fashions plus Karen Millen – have chosen BOARD as their strategic Business Intelligence solution to provide real time improved visability across the business and provide the business with self-service analytical information and next generation Reporting, Analysis, Dashboard, KPI and Visualisation. BOARD have already enabled over 2,500 companies improve their business performance by making better decisions.

The Brands were looking for a flexible, easy to use, integrated solution which would ensure improved visibility across the business. This implemetation forms part of a wider systems replacement and upgrade programme including the implemenetation of Merret, a Retail Assist supply chain product. Anne Sinclair, Strategy Director with Aurora, said "With BOARD, Aurora will be able to quickly create interactive and customised corporate reports, without the need for any programming, enabling more intuative data visualisation and interaction.” Furthermore, BOARD’s ability to integrate data from disprate sources creates a self-service analysis environment which promotes ease of use and allows all users to easily drill down, drill through, slice and dice, rank, sort, and forecast to gain greater insight into trends, causes, and effects.

Anne Sinclair also added that the environment offers Aurora future scope to also manage other areas of the business within one single product.


BOARD International is a leading global provider of software for improving business results through better decision making. By unifying Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management in a single product, the BOARD Management Intelligence solution enables companies to achieve a shared vision of their performance across the entire organisation, and thus a single version of the truth. Since 1994, BOARD has helped over 2,500 organisations improve their business performance by making better decisions. BOARD has a worldwide reseller network with local partners across the globe.

About Aurora

Aurora Fashions owns, develops and manages the performance of some of the UK’s most respected women’s fashion brands- Coast, Oasis and Warehouse- which are all aimed at the higher end of the market. Aurora Fashions’ brands are among the most recognised in the UK and internationally with 1,999 stores in 39 countries.



Cathy Starr

Head of Marketing

Phone +44 190 825 5611





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