- Delivering hundreds of thousands of forgery-proof English test score reports, secured via blockchain -
PARIS-Monday 21 March 2022 [ AETOS Wire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE) -- How can organisations protect against fraudulent certifications or fake English assessment test results? How can test takers in Europe receive their TOEIC® test results in one click? How can test takers in Europe be sure that their test results are certified, tamper-proof and secure? To answer these questions, ETS Global, a subsidiary of ETS, chose to collaborate with BCdiploma, the industry-leading company for the digitisation of academic documents via blockchain technology. In Europe, ETS Global and BCdiploma are working on securing hundreds of thousands of digital TOEIC score reports via blockchain. For ETS Global, this is another step in its digital transformation. Starting from January 2022, TOEIC digital score reports are available in France and will be available across Europe during 2022.
The result of this collaboration between these two leading players is a digital TOEIC score report that is:
Secure: the storage of data on the blockchain makes it impossible to falsify the score report. BCdiploma complies with the strictest data protection regulations. In addition to the blockchain's encryption, BCdiploma adds its own secure, patented algorithms. This way, ETS Global and test takers retain full control over their data, which search engines cannot find or list.
Universal: BCdiploma adapts to all consultation or sharing standards such as Verifiable Credentials from W3C and EBSI, Open Badges, EDCI, and more.
User-friendly: available online in one click, this digitised document can be downloaded and sent by email, printed or exported in PDF format. A QR code is added to the document, which the test taker or the recipient of the certification can scan.
Faster: because results are sent by email, test taker receive their scores faster compared to paper score report shipped by post.
Streamlined: this digitalisation saves time for universities, schools and training organisations. The sending of results to test takers is automated. As for recruiters, they have access to a certified certificate, avoiding the need for inefficient "fact checking" to verify the authenticity of the document.
More innovative: for the test taker, sending a secure link or a QR code of a certification guarantees quality and presents a modern picture to recruiters.
More "carbon compatible"*: TOEIC digital score reports are issued using "Avalanche®", the latest generation and one of the most energy-efficient blockchains. Besides, stopping printing score reports will enable ETS Global to save seven trees/year. And without any paper score report to ship to test takers, ETS Global's carbon footprint will decrease by about 490kg of CO2/year.
Miguel Membrado, Chief Digital Officer of ETS Global says: "The digitalisation of the education sector has been accelerating for years, and even more so since the start of the pandemic. Being able to offer digital TOEIC® test score reports to all ETS Global stakeholders is an obvious choice. We are delighted to be working with BCdiploma, a leading player in this field. As of today, we are offering this service to our test takers in Europe at no additional cost with the goal that within six months, the use of paper score reports in Europe will decline in favour of digital. This is not a war between digital and paper. Our customers will have the choice, of course. But we are convinced of the benefits of digitalisation to the overall customer experience, which this project perfectly illustrates."
Luc Jarry-Lacombe, CEO of BCdiploma, adds: "Our job as a software publisher is to reinvent a diploma that fits into the Digital Workplace. Better yet, it's about bringing the benefits of the blockchain system to test takers, recruiters, and all training organisations and institutions. 50% to 60% of our costs are dedicated to R&D, which enables us to deliver an impeccable service with the latest blockchain technologies. We are very happy to collaborate with the ETS Global teams, to offer more than a diploma: a real quality marketing object."
*already available in France. Deployment in Europe in 2022
About BCdiploma
BCdiploma has been trusted by more than 120 institutions, universities, and businesses in 18 countries. Our patented technology takes advantage of the latest blockchain and distributed storage technologies to deliver a high value Digital Credentials service. Our team brings to institutions a recognised expertise to succeed in their digital transformation projects. https://www.bcdiploma.com/en
About ETS Global
ETS Global B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of ETS, is the international arm of ETS. At ETS Global B.V., we bring expertise to educational and business communities around the world, including companies, language schools, academic institutions and public service organisations. ETS Global serves 80 countries and offers a range of ETS products, services and learning solutions. https://www.etsglobal.org/fr/en
Anne COURTOIS, abcdcommunication
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