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Main » 2014 » December » 18 » BringCom Receives $3.1 Million Order for Ebola Operation United Assistance Circuit from Liberia to Germany and Implements in Two Weeks
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BringCom Receives $3.1 Million Order for Ebola Operation United Assistance Circuit from Liberia to Germany and Implements in Two Weeks

STERLING, Va. - Wednesday, December 17th 2014 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- BringCom Incorporated, a leader in supplying innovative communications technologies, announced it has been awarded a new contract for $3.1 million in support of Operation United Assistance assisting United States and International efforts to combat the Ebola epidemic in Liberia and West Africa. This circuit was implemented to assist in the treatment and medical care of Ebola victims. The award calls for BringCom to provide managed wireless and fiber optic circuit services for five (5) years from Monrovia, Liberia to Ramstein-Miesenbach, Germany with a very short implementation schedule

Implementation of the circuit for Ebola epidemic support services within the stringent delivery schedule of two weeks after contract award required the installation of microwave radios and equipment in Liberia as well as installation of equipment and coordination of connectivity and testing in multiple countries. This rapid implementation schedule was accomplished successfully by extraordinary efforts from BringCom suppliers, US Governmental staff and BringCom employees.

“This new contract in West Africa reinforces BringCom’s position as the reliable provider of carrier-grade fiber optic, microwave and satellite services to international and governmental customers operating in the African and Middle Eastern global telecommunications markets,” said Fabrice Langreney, President and CEO of BringCom. “They are also a reflection of BringCom’s ever-increasing ability to service the needs of customers with very challenging telecommunication applications. BringCom also acknowledges the extensive efforts of its vendors including Lonestar Cell MTN, BT and Deutsche Telekom International Carrier Sales & Solutions (ICSS) without whose efforts the circuits’ implementation schedule could not have been accomplished.”

About BringCom

BringCom is a leading telecommunications services provider offering fiber, satellite and microwave services to enterprise and government customers in the United States, Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East. It delivers communication solutions to and from some of the world’s most challenging locations while providing state-of-the-art communications links for its customers. BringCom owns and is headquartered at a teleport in Sterling, VA, USA, and manages Djibouti Teleport through a joint venture with Djibouti Telecom. Its international operational knowledge, coupled with extensive local partnerships in the Africa and Middle Eastern regions, uniquely position BringCom to deliver reliable communications services at competitive rates.

For more information:



Rich Kearney, COO







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