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C3.ai Digital Transformation Institute Welcomes First International Consortium Member KTH Royal Institute of Technology

BERKELEY, Calif. & URBANA, Ill. -Friday 19 February 2021 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The C3.ai Digital Transformation Institute (DTI) today announced that KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden has become the eighth university member and first international member of the academic and industry consortium. Karl H. Johansson, Professor at the KTH School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has joined the C3.ai DTI Executive Committee as campus lead.

Johansson also leads the cross-disciplinary Digital Futures research center at KTH, launched in 2020 to explore and develop digital technologies and solutions to great societal challenges. His research focuses on networked control systems, cyber-physical systems, and applications in transportation, energy, and automation systems. He is a member of the IEEE Control Systems Society Board of Governors, the European Control Association Council, and Fellow of the IEEE.

“Digital Futures has a long-term strategic outlook and a high-risk, high-gain research agenda that aligns particularly well with the ambitious aims of the C3.ai Digital Transformation Institute,” says Johansson. “KTH is eager to contribute to and expand DTI’s reach as the first international member of the consortium. We are confident that this will be a very productive partnership.”

“The upcoming digital transformation revolution will be a worldwide phenomenon,” says C3 AI Founder and CEO Tom Siebel. “It is critical to engage with international partners and welcoming the distinguished KTH Royal Institute of Technology to the consortium is a great place to start.”

About C3.ai Digital Transformation Institute

Established in March 2020 by C3 AI, Microsoft, and leading universities, the C3.ai Digital Transformation Institute is a research consortium dedicated to accelerating the benefits of artificial intelligence for business, government, and society. The Institute engages the world’s leading scientists to conduct research and train practitioners in the new Science of Digital Transformation, which operates at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, internet of things, big data analytics, organizational behavior, public policy, and ethics.

The ten C3.ai Digital Transformation Institute consortium member universities and laboratories now include: University of California, Berkeley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Carnegie Mellon University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, National Center for Supercomputing Applications at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Princeton University, Stanford University, and University of Chicago.

To support the Institute, C3 AI is providing the Institute $57,250,000 in cash contributions over the first five years of operation. C3 AI and Microsoft will contribute an additional $310 million of in-kind support, including use of the C3 AI® Suite and Microsoft Azure computing, storage, and technical resources to support C3.ai DTI research. Additional industry partners include AstraZeneca, Baker Hughes, and Shell.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210218005223/en/

C3.ai DTI Contact:
Kap Stann
Communications Manager, C3.ai DTI @ Berkeley
Tel. +1 510-295-9685

Permalink : https://www.aetoswire.com/news/c3ai-digital-transformation-institute-welcomes-first-international-consortium-member-kth-royal-institute-of-technology/en

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