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Main » 2016 » November » 27 » CING2017 and CIPE2017 to Kick off Concurrently With cippe2017, Aiming to Boost Cooperation on Gas Technology and Equipment
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CING2017 and CIPE2017 to Kick off Concurrently With cippe2017, Aiming to Boost Cooperation on Gas Technology and Equipment

BEIJING - Monday, November 21st 2016 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The 7thChina International Natural Gas Technology and Equipment Exhibition (CING2017) and the 17th China International Exhibition on Equipment of Pipeline, and Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation (CIPE2017, Asia’s largest natural gas pipeline exhibition), will be held concurrently with the 17th China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (cippe2017) at the New China International Exhibition Center in Beijing on March 20-22, 2017. With an exhibition area of 100,000m2 and featuring 18 international pavilions, the events are expected to gather 2,000 exhibitors, including 46 Fortune 500 companies, from 65 countries and regions, and attract 80,000 visitors.

Exhibitors of previous events include major Chinese companies like CNPC, Sinopec, CNOOC, Jereh and foreign companies like, Gazprom, ExxonMobil, Schlumberger, and Cater Pillar. While major international players like Total, Shell, BP, and Qatar Petroleum are frequent visitors to the event.

In recent years, the determination of governments worldwide to cut down PM2.5 index has already pressed many industries to abandon coal as a major energy source. In addition, the validation of the Paris Agreement on November 4 this year will surely accelerate the global shift to clean energy, of which gas will account for a dominant proportion.

Zhao Yujian, Head of China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau, commented, “The construction of storage and transmission facilities in oil & gas-rich regions such as Middle East, Central Asia and Russia is under stable growth. Meanwhile, China is advancing its ‘One Belt and One Road’ Initiative as well as multiple other projects such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Silk Road Fund, and the China-Africa Development Fund, which will all bring historical opportunities for international pipeline development. With China speeding up its pace for a moderately prosperous society, the demand for oil and gas, especially natural gas and LNG, will remain strong, generating enormous development potential for oil & gas pipeline and storage equipment.”

China’s gas consumption will reach 360-400 billion cubic meters by 2020 and increase to 500 billion cubic meters by 2030. Experts estimate that by the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020), China’s long-distance oil & gas transmission pipelines mileage will surpass 160,000km.

Currently, many cross-border pipeline projects are under construction. The 4,000km China-Russia East Route natural gas pipeline, starting from Eastern Siberia and running through China’s 9 provinces, is planned to complete in 2018. The China-Kyrghyzstan gas pipeline, planned to reach 215km, is being constructed as part of the China-Central Asia gas pipeline network.

CING and CIPE will ally with the world’s largest oil exhibition cippe to provide a comprehensive platform for exhibitors and professional buyers from enterprises, government, research institutes and industry associations for business cooperation and gas technology exchange.

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Organizing Committee of cippe 2017

General Inquiry

Maci, +86-10-58236588/6555


Media Enquiry

Linda Liang, +86-10-58236579/18701599799






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