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Main » 2021 » October » 14 » COVID-19: Cytokine Storm and Coagulopathy Markers Controlled With Nichi Glucan Variants; The First of Its Kind Report in a Clinical Study
9:06 AM
COVID-19: Cytokine Storm and Coagulopathy Markers Controlled With Nichi Glucan Variants; The First of Its Kind Report in a Clinical Study

IL-6, D-Dimer well managed for long, with clinically beneficial immune modulation.

TOKYO-Tuesday 12 October 2021 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cytokine storm and coagulopathy, the major life-threatening complications of COVID-19, whose biomarkers Interleukin-6 and D-Dimer were under control with consumption of two variants of Nichi Glucan food supplements from Japan in a pilot study. Immune parameters like ratios of neutrophil to lymphocyte (NLR), lymphocyte to c-reactive protein (LCR) and leucocyte to c-reactive protein (LeCR) were advantageous, along with CD4 and CD8 levels, in those who consumed Nichi Glucans than, those who didn’t, as published in Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, a peer reviewed journal (

The Covid-19 infection by SARS-COV-2 virus leads to several complications and those have succumbed to the illness developed cytokine storm because of an overreacting immune system, that should be tackled with immunomodulation. According to Dr Raghavan, the first author of the publication, the AFO-202 strain of Black Yeast Aureobasidium Pullulans produced Nichi-Glucan enhances the immune system, while the N-163 strain produced Nichi-Glucan REFIX, efficiently modulates immunity, avoiding any catastrophe. Their combination has yielded this encouraging outcome and our interpretations are based on the present study as well as pre-clinical and clinical studies in healthy volunteers, he added (

Criteria such as NLR, LCR and LeCR have recently gained significance in assessing Covid-19 severity, which we have documented to be advantageous with Nichi Glucan consumption in healthy people and pre-clinically as well ( Having been proven to handle the immune system in a balanced manner and with potentials of Beta glucans to act through microglia of the brain (Journal of the neurological sciences;, the Nichi glucan variants, with a safety track record of more than two decades may help tackle long Covid-19 also, concludes the study.

In the 1980s, evolution inspired, Prof Noboru Fujii started exploring this poly-extremo tolerant fungus, that was nature gifted. Positioned in the tree of life between animal and plant kingdom, the R&D team believes that the symbiosis of this prebiotic product with gut microbiome may unravel the mechanisms behind its multiple beneficial effects to human health.

GN Corporation, holding the exclusive global distribution rights of the Nichi Glucans, are pursuing elaborate research in bringing out the hidden potentials of several strains of this black yeast fungi produce and plan to undertake larger studies.


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Samuel JK Abraham

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