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Main » 2014 » November » 11 » Dubai Media City hosts Dubai’s first edition of Creative Mornings
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Dubai Media City hosts Dubai’s first edition of Creative Mornings

Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Thursday, November 6th 2014 [ME NewsWire]

Dubai Media City, the MENA region’s largest hub dedicated to the media industry, recently hosted the first in a series of monthly chapters of Creative Morning events to be held in Dubai.

Creative Mornings, a monthly breakfast lecture series for the creative community held in 99 cities around the world including Stockholm, Milan and Barcelona, features short talks from inspiring individuals who themselves have experienced a creative and exciting journey to get to where they are today. Past speakers have included Flickr’s Co-Founder, the Creative Director of MoMA in Stockholm, and the President of RISD in New York.

Held under the global theme of ‘Cross Over’, the inaugural Dubai event, the first to be held in the Middle East, welcomed esteemed speakers Marc Stringa, currently based in London working within a major multinational practice focusing on city level planning, design and strategy, and Tahir Shah, founder of Pakistani pop-up restaurant Moti Roti and recently nominated Restaurateur Of The Year, who shared their insights into the importance of promoting creativity, fostering ideas, and supporting the decision to cross over into the unknown, whether this is starting your own business or creating something that hasn’t been done before.

Commenting, Mohammad Abdullah, Managing Director of TECOM’s Media Cluster said;

“Creative Mornings provides an ideal platform for like-minded, creative people to come together to share ideas and knowledge and to hear inspiring stories from creative professionals and entrepreneurs. The event has supported local creative communities around the world, and I am delighted that Dubai Media City has been able to support Dubai’s inaugural event. We will continue to work very closely with the organisers going forward, and I look forward to welcoming the team again for the next edition.”

James Piecowye, the host of the Dubai chapter of Creative Mornings, said;

“I would like to thank Dubai Media City for their support and for enabling this event to happen. Creative Mornings started in 2008 out of a desire for an ongoing, accessible event for New York’s creative community, and has grown into a worldwide celebration of creative talent. Dubai has a real entrepreneurial spirit, home to imaginative and innovative people from around the world, and we are very excited to work with Dubai Media City in hosting monthly events going forward.”

The next edition of Creative Mornings will be held on November 20th, under the theme of ‘chance’. Attendance is free of charge, and tickets will be released the week of the event on the Creative Mornings website:


About Dubai Media City

Dubai Media City (DMC), part of TECOM’s Media Cluster, is the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region’s largest hub dedicated to the media industry. Since its inauguration in 2001, DMC has grown to become a thriving business community, home to leading international and regional brands including CNN, Thomson Reuters, MBC and CNBC Arabia. DMC has created an environment that encourages the expansion and growth of its business partners, and is carrying forward Dubai’s vision of becoming a knowledge-based economy with its extensive talent pool of qualified industry experts. DMC offers state-of-the-art infrastructure which supports the current and future needs of business partners, and through its real estate offerings of boutique offices and business centres, businesses of all sizes can operate alongside leading local, regional and international players. DMC is an ecosystem for the industry, and through networking events, business partners can share ideas and access industry experts and other business partners.

For more information please visit


Alexa Hooft Graafland







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