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Huawei Named as Winner of 2018 GSMA Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Mobile Industry

BARCELONA, Spain-Tuesday, February 27th 2018 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE) -- At Mobile World Congress today, the GSMA announced that Huawei was selected as the winner of the GSMA’s “Outstanding Contribution to the Mobile Industry Award” for 2018. This prestigious award recognises individuals, companies and organisations that have contributed in significant ways to the development of the mobile industry and the advancement of mobile communications. The award was presented to Huawei at a special ceremony held last evening.

“Founded in 1987, Huawei secured its first contract outside China just two decades ago,” said Sunil Bharti Mittal, GSMA Chairman and Founder and Chairman of Bharti Enterprises. “In that relatively short span of time, the company has grown to become the world’s largest supplier of networking equipment and services to mobile operators, continually delivering innovative new technologies and products. We are pleased to recognise Huawei’s considerable efforts in advancing the mobile industry with this award.”

Huawei has played a leading role in areas such as devices, smart cities, smart grids, among many others. Through participation in over 360 standards bodies, industry organisations and open source communities, Huawei has been an active force in the development of the digital ecosystem.

Through its history the company has shown a strong focus on research and development, and in recent years has concentrated on building out the next generation of digital infrastructure by driving innovation in cloud, artificial intelligence, and 5G technologies. From 2007 to 2016, Huawei's total R&D investment surpassed US$48 billion dollars, having invested $11 billion in 2016 alone.

The 2018 Global Mobile (GLOMO) Awards are being presented throughout the week of Mobile World Congress. For full information on the GLOMO Awards, visit: www.globalmobileawards.com/.

Get Involved at Mobile World Congress 2018
More information on Mobile World Congress 2018 is available at www.mobileworldcongress.com. Follow developments and updates on Mobile World Congress on Twitter @GSMA using #MWC18, on our LinkedIn Mobile World Congress page www.linkedin.com/company/gsma-mobile-world-congress or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/mobileworldcongress/.

The Mobile World Congress is the cornerstone of the Mobile World Capital, which will be hosted in Barcelona through 2023. The Mobile World Capital encompasses programmes and activities that span the entire year and will benefit not only the citizens of Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain, but also the worldwide mobile industry. For more information on the Mobile World Capital, visit www.mobileworldcapital.com.

About the GSMA
The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with more than 300 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also produces industry-leading events such as Mobile World Congress, Mobile World Congress Shanghai, Mobile World Congress Americas and the Mobile 360 Series of conferences.

For more information, please visit the GSMA corporate website at www.gsma.com. Follow the GSMA on Twitter: @GSMA.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180225005197/en/

For the GSMA
Beau Bass, +44 79 7662 4962
Pau Guerrero / Gloria Almirall, +34 93 236 09 00
GSMA Press Office

Permalink : http://aetoswire.com/news/5700/en

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