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Main » 2016 » July » 13 » Hunter Ultrasonics Calls for a Greener Way to Clean Diesel Engine Filters
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Hunter Ultrasonics Calls for a Greener Way to Clean Diesel Engine Filters

Environmental regulations miss the mark on reducing diesel engines’ carbon emissions

TORONTO - Wednesday, July 13th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Regulations, ranging from the 2015 Paris Agreement’s wide ranging guidelines to mandates on nonroad vehicles, have all aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

But as Ken Hunter, Founder and CEO of Hunter Ultrasonics, points out in a recent article, the measures to reduce pollution exclude a key part of the process – regular, thorough cleaning of engine filters.

Read “Ultrasonic Cleaning - the Green Way to Clean Diesel Particulate Filters” for more information.

Diesel vehicle owners, operators and manufactures should call on governments around the globe to not just require Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) on all diesel engines, but also provide guidance on proper maintenance and cleaning of those filters in all future standards.

This is an essential part of the equation to ensure transportation related carbon emission reduction goals are met.

Active regeneration, an increasingly common way to clean clogged DPF filters, is inefficient because it:

    Burns off particulates at high temperatures, which puts pollutants back into the air and defeats the purpose of having the filter in the first place
    Leads to increased downtime and lost productivity while the engine is rendered inoperable during the process
    Increases fuel usage and costs

Unless proactive cleaning guidelines and less harmful methods like Ultrasonic Cleaning are adopted, pollution will only continue to increase.

To learn more about the Ultrasonic Cleaning process and how it can reduce DPF maintenance costs, extend engine life and lower fuel costs through improved efficiency, visit

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Media Contact:

Hunter Ultrasonics

Ken Hunter, 416-605- 7547

Founder and CEO






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