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MaidSafe Launches Equity Funding Round on BnkToTheFuture

TROON, Scotland - Friday, September 9th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- MaidSafe, a start-up developing a fully decentralised, secure approach to the Internet, has announced it will be launching an equity fund-raising round with BnkToTheFuture, a leading global online investment platform. BnkToTheFuture enables qualifying investors to invest in the future of finance and technology. The pitch will go live on on September 12th and it will be open for 30 days.

This is the next major development in the company’s long-term strategy following the successful launch of the alpha version of its network, called the SAFE (Secure Access for Everyone) Network. This round of funding will enable MaidSafe to continue recruitment of top developer talent to build out the features and functionality of the network, and to grow awareness amongst application developers and strategic partners.

“We are incredibly excited to be launching this investment round with BnkToTheFuture, as it gives us the ability to secure funding without ceding control of our strategy and roadmap,” explained David Irvine, founder and CEO, MaidSafe. “Given all of the frustrations with current Internet services we believe MaidSafe, together with the SAFE Network community, is ideally positioned to offer a secure and more efficient alternative, which will create compelling opportunities for investors interested in this global opportunity.”

The security and privacy of users lies at the heart of MaidSafe’s proposition, because data is encrypted and obfuscated and algorithms scatter these unrecognisable chunks randomly across the decentralised platform. Combined with a novel authentication mechanism where users are unknown to anyone and require no permission to join, MaidSafe’s approach removes the need for the centralised servers inherent in the Worldwide Web today, giving everyone the Internet that has always been promised - free, safe and secure. The company has also sought to address the imbalance in the current shared economy. MaidSafe is also developing a crypto-currency, Safecoin, which will be used as a mechanism to reward users and application developers in a much fairer manner.

Further Information:

MaidSafe website:
MaidSafe SAFE Network Alpha Launch:

About MaidSafe

Started in 2006 by Scottish engineer David Irvine, MaidSafe is a team, comprised of thinkers, inventors, tinkerers, PHDs, engineers and designers, who share a mission to provide security and privacy for everyone. MaidSafe has developed The SAFE (Secure Access For Everyone) Network, which is made up of the unused hard drive space, processing power and data connection of its users. It offers a level of security and privacy not currently available on the existing Internet and turns the tables on companies, putting users in control of their data, rather than trusting it to organisations.

About BnkToTheFuture

BnkToTheFuture is a global online investment platform that allows qualifying investors to invest in the future of finance and technology by offering financial innovation and technology investment opportunities online.



Nick Lambert, +44 1292 317 311

Chief Operating Officer






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