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MoI Leaders Reiterate Loyalty to maintain the UAE as an Oasis of Security and Safety

 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Monday, December 1st 2014 [ME NewsWire]

In celebration of the UAE 43rd National Day, leaders from the Ministry of Interior extended the warmest congratulations and best wishes to His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE; His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai; their Highnesses the Supreme Council Members and Rulers of the Emirates; General HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces; Crown Princes; Deputy Rulers; Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior; the people of the UAE and its honored guests. They also reiterated their covenant and loyalty to the higher leadership in its quest to maintain the precious national gains and ensure that the UAE remains an oasis of security and safety.

Al Sha’far: A Majestic Historic Turning Point

“The UAE 43rd National Day is a momentous occasion treasured by every citizen and resident living on this bountiful land. It is an opportunity to express joy for this glorious day, which marks a historical turning point in our journey. On this day, the pillars of the Union were established with promising prospects crowned with great achievements that usher in a brighter future for all citizens in all areas of life, as well as achieving political, economic, social and developmental empowerment. This has helped transform the UAE into a unique, successful example to be emulated not just in the Arab world, but also on the international level,” said Lt. General Saif Abdullah Al Sha’far, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Interior.

He added, “The Union’s march was long and strenuous,   but thanks to the unstinting efforts and determination of our fathers and forefathers, we were able to fulfill this great achievement and build a solid Union based on strong and firm foundations that makes every citizen proud. The Union is a fulfillment of a dream envisioned by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (May he rest in peace), who was a pioneering leader, who provided lessons to others of great wisdom and foresight. He once said, ‘The union lives in my mind and my heart and is the dearest thing in my life. I cannot imagine that one day I would allow any alienation or complacency about its future.” The birth of the UAE Union was achieved thanks to the determination of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum and their late brothers, their Highnesses Supreme Council Members and Rulers of the Emirates.”

H.E the Undersecretary at the Minister of Interior emphasized that this important historical event celebrates the myriad achievements attained by the UAE in its journey towards further growth and development. The wise vision of the Higher Leadership embodies its firm belief in achieving further development and glory for the flourishing country. It regards the Union as the beginning of a vibrant phase in history built on struggle and hard work. Thanks to all of these efforts, the UAE has forged ahead and deservingly achieved a prominent international stature as a leading developed economy, which makes optimal use of resources, and enjoys a stable political and security situation. This has reflected positively on the welfare of all citizens and residents of the country; and contributed significantly to establish high-quality living and prosperity for all. The UAE has also given top priority to a wide number of goals and objectives, and dedicated attention to creating integration between federal and local policies and strategies to support the country’s achievements on the federal level.

Dahi Khalfan:  Great transformations and a wise leadership    

For his part, Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Deputy Chairman of Dubai Police and Public Security said,  “On December 2nd of each year, the UAE reflects upon the birth of its Union and writes a new distinguished chapter in its history under the umbrella of its higher leadership. A new  phase, which adds new features of excellence to the achievements made particularly in enhancing the national identity, advancing the country and empowering citizens. Such dedicated efforts can only be achieved by individuals who display strong determination to continue building the nation and endeavor  to achieve protection, care and welfare for their people, as well as to meet their  hopes and aspirations.  As we commemorate the UAE 43rd National Day, it is an opportune time to reflect upon the Union  experience, which has become a glowing example of epic transformational change and initiatives witnessed by the country since the 2nd of December 1971in the social, educational, health, humanitarian, economic and security areas , which constitute the cornerstone of development and stability.  Security authorities in the UAE, notably the Ministry of Interior and the Dubai Police GHQ, have assumed responsibility for spreading security and safety with transparency and integrity, as well as for providing services that satisfy the public, combating crime, and protecting the youth from potential dangers.”

Adding further, he said, “This historic occasion brings back memories from the glorious past, when the late founding fathers, to whom I express my profound respect and appreciation, led by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (May he rest in peace),  and his brother  late Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum joined hands with their brothers, their Highnesses, Supreme Council Members and Rulers of the Emirates in order to achieve their common visions by laying the foundations of this great Union.”

“On this auspicious occasion, as we celebrate the ‘Spirit of the Union’, we renew our allegiance and loyalty to our beloved country and its wise leadership. We take pride in our booming history and the decent happy living conditions, and in our country’s renaissance and its achievements. We also reiterate the utmost respect and appreciation to our exceptional leadership that has achieved global excellence and progress in all circumstances; has made the impossible possible and turned the hopes and dreams into a prosperous reality; making the UAE a role model to be emulated among world countries. It was also able to help the UAE attain a prominent status on the ‘Global Competitiveness’ scene,” added Lt General Tamim.

Al Rumaithi: We pledge never leaning allegiance to the leadership

H.E Major General Mohammed Khalfan Al Rumaithi, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Abu Dhabi Police and member of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, said, “The 43rd National Day of our beloved United Arab Emirates bears a great meaning for us. It is an occasion to commemorate the great achievements made by the country and its efforts to remain a model of civilization, which draws strength from the cohesion of its people, its national values, as well as the well-established values ​​and principles set up by H.H late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founding father of the Union. The country’s glorious journey of construction and giving is pursued and safeguarded by the higher leadership. We congratulate the UAE for having such a prestigious leader and we extend our warmest congratulations to the UAE people on the UAE 43rd National Day”.

He added, “The progress and prosperity of our country is a vibrant model that summarizes the establishment of the UAE, which has become a symbol of civilization and humanity and a success story that shows the great values and sublime meaning of loyalty. It also embodies our great love to the higher leadership and instills the concept of patriotism and loyalty to the nation, as we renew loyalty and pledge a never leaning allegiance to the higher leadership.”

H.E Major General Al Rumaithi continued, “With every passing year, the UAE people’s pride grows stronger, and they get more determined to shoulder their responsibilities to safeguard the gains accomplished under the Union. Looking forward to a better future, they keep forging ahead  towards further progress, growth and prosperity, fully determined to make additional achievements that would reinforce the UAE’s prominent stature among world countries, as they reminisce about  the journey of construction and continuous cultural achievements in all sectors.”

In conclusion, he said, “The 2nd of December brings back memories of that glorious day in the country’s history, when the people decided to proceed towards the future with solidarity and great ambition. Supported by their higher leadership that gave them all the love and loyalty in return, they forged ahead armed with the national values set by HH late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (May he rest in peace).”

Dr. Nasser Al Nuaimi: A Modern Country

Major General Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of the Office of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, said: “The National Day of our beloved country is a day that is representative of our loyalty to the country and to the higher leadership; it promotes our sense of belonging as it reaffirms the national principles of maintaining the achievements that have been gained while building this modern country under the direction of our higher leadership. When we look to the cultural rise of the UAE, we see the cohesion and harmony of the countrymen as they consider the future and participate in the efforts made to achieve even more glory and greatness for the country; we see an insistence to achieve only the best and to excel in the various fields. This cultural development of the UAE positively reflects on the general life of the people, who realize the true nature of this profound achievement- due to the guidance and directions of the higher leadership and their keenness to achieve the optimal levels of happiness for its citizens all across the country. Such efforts have made the UAE a major competitor in the global happiness indexes, where we have achieved the top ranks in this field.

He added, “We are proud of our country, which has transformed into a pearl amongst other countries, and has become a country of excellence and achievements in various fields. Despite the plentitude of our achievements, we aim for more sophistication and cultural focus in our progress. Forty-three years of a comprehensive march towards an enlightened achievement. Forty-three years of remembering the important stages of cultural achievements attained in a march of development for all sectors - which together formed the comprehensive rise of the nation, and have made the UAE a globally prominent country.

He explained that the Ministry of Interior, to complement the march of development and modernization, set the 2014-2016 strategy in accordance with the UAE Vision 2021 to reflect the vision of the ministry to mark the UAE as the best country in the world in the fields of security and safety. The message focused on working with competency and efficiency to promote the quality of life for the UAE community, through providing services of security, traffic, corrections, residency, and ensuring the safety of lives and properties, under the values of justice, teamwork, good behavior, integrity, loyalty and social responsibility. The strategic goals focus on promoting security and safety, controlling road security, achieving the highest levels of safety, achieving the highest levels of safety of the civil defense, ensuring the readiness in crisis and disasters, promoting the public’s trust with the provided services and optimally utilizing security information.

The Secretary General also mentioned that the Ministry of Interior constantly endeavors to realize every achievement through the support and attention provided by the higher leadership to enable it to achieve and develop a leading position both regionally and internationally, and be awarded with many awards to further promote its position of leadership. The Ministry’s highest achievements include entering the Hall of Fame of the Palladium Group for its excellence in the competition of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Strategic Alignment applications. This achievement marks the MoI as the second ministry to enter the Hall of Fame internationally, only following the Ministry of Interior in South Korea. The MoI of the UAE is the first to receive such recognition in both Arab and regional levels. The ministry was also awarded 14 Stevie Awards in the 11th Awards ceremony held in France, which are considered the most prestigious awards internationally in the field of creativity and corporate excellence and international businesses. In addition to these awards, there have been many other awards to support its march towards maintaining safety and stability.

Hareb Al Khaili: Marching Towards the Future

Major General Khalifa Hareb Al Khaili, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior for Resources and Support Services, said: “Celebrating the second of December reestablishes the allegiance and gratitude of the generations of today and tomorrow towards the leaders of the country, which are foundations of the union. The second of December is a day where the citizens renew their loyalty to the higher leadership for what has been achieved and what will be achieved in various fields that target service, development, and wellbeing for the UAE citizens. These steps have established the UAE in its well-deserved position amongst nations both regionally and internationally. It is a statement that our country is capable of marching towards the future with steady and confident steps, through its sons and under the guidance and will of its devoted leadership, and is capable of keeping up with today’s march of history, development, and rise of power.”

He added: “The achievements of our country over the four decades are a unique matter of pride, especially as the union between the emirates is a unique and successful model laid upon a strong foundation that ensures its success. The fundamentals and strong pillars based upon the belief in unity, are exemplary of the late founder, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah bless him and have mercy upon his soul, and his late brothers, their Highnesses, Members of the Supreme Council, and Rulers of the Emirates. They believed that a union brings strength, which is an idea that has been carried out by today’s higher leadership through their various positions and policies to further raise the value of the union – regardless of the challenges faced or to the deepened integration of the Emirates.”

He said: “In the UAE, we believe that our leadership has important goals to realize further achievements in the rising march of development, which include all aspects of life. We know this from the continuing keenness and care to address the issues of the country and the concerns of the citizens, and from the continuous creative interaction between the leadership and the people- which is a unique relationship to have, one between the ruler and his people. This becomes evident in the many of the directives and initiatives that have been issued in the interests of present and future citizens, and enhances the stability and security of our country.”

Taleb Bin Saqr: The March of Generosity and Prosperity

Major General Sheikh Taleb Bin Saqr Al Qassimi, Inspector General of the Ministry of Interior, said: “It has been 43 years of generosity and prosperity since the union of our precious country. The union established by the late founder, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah bless him and have mercy upon his soul, and his late brothers, their Highnesses, Members of the Supreme Council, and Rulers of the Emirates; was based upon their strong belief of the necessity of this union. They believed in the goodness and safety that it would bring to the people of the UAE and to their children. Future generations will bask in the glow of this union and in the achievements that have included all of the sons of this country and everyone who has lived on this land.

He added: “Under the union, the UAE has achieved a prominent position amongst the countries of the world, and will continue on in order to UAE become the destination of all those who may be near or far, and all those who seek help or aid. The UAE is comprised of goodwill and prosperity, and is a country keen to help its brothers and sisters in Arab and Muslim worlds and those in the friendly countries across the world. All of this was embodied and achieved by the late founder, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah bless him and have mercy upon his soul, and furthered by the march of achievements continues, with all the care provided by the higher leadership, until the UAE has become an oasis of safety, prosperity, and development. Any observer witnessing the achievements in various fields of life and the different stages of ongoing progress, will understand the efforts of the higher leadership, which has helped strengthen the foundations and the pillars, and establish the values left for us by our forefathers.”

In every year of its march, the Inspector General stressed that our country proves its keenness to keep this union and maintain it based on the ideals of this country and its humanitarian heritage and noble values to elevate the country and its people and provide a decent and prosperous life to the citizens through all means of security, stability, comfort, and prosperity. This shall be done so that the country could keep up with the huge developments in all fields and benefit from the scientific achievements to build the society and realize all hopes of the citizens with futures filled with hope, pride, and dignity, promising more stability and prosperity.

He said that the achievements of the UAE, which are recorded in history, have illuminated the path of the march of development in the fields of security, policing, and security. The march has been and will be in accordance with the development of the modern age, achieving leaps in wellbeing, prosperity, security, and stability for the sons of this country. Police bodies will become paralleled with international organizations through their reputation, achievements, and noble stances. He pointed to the sense of belonging and cohesion between the people and the wise leader, and the immense gratitude carried in their hearts for him and for the higher leadership.

Khalil Badran: A Unique Journey of Achievements

Major General Khalil Dawood Badran, Director General of Finance and Services at Abu Dhabi Police, described December 2nd, 1971 as a historic day that makes everyone proud. He said, “On this cherished occasion, written in history with letters of gold, we recall the efforts of the founding father, late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (may Allah bless him and have mercy upon his soul), towards greatness and glory. On this grand day, the UAE declared the Union between the emirates, marking a historical moment. On this day, we recall the distinguished achievements made by the late Sheikh Zayed and his brothers, the founding fathers, as they toiled to secure a decent and prosperous life for their people. These huge achievements have transformed the UAE into a prosperous nation, and positioned it on the forefront of developed countries in a very short span of time. December 2nd is a glorious day that has changed the course of history forever. Every day, the Union gains strength and adds new achievements to its roster of accomplishments. We pray to Allah Almighty to bestow his blessings on the leader, the people and the nation.”

Adding further, he said, “December 2nd is a turning point in the historical march of the UAE and complements the process of development and progress under the higher leadership. These achievements made in all aspects of life and at the countrywide level have reinforced the strength of the Union as it strived to meet the ambitions of the Emirati people who aspire to further development and decent living. The birth of the Union is not a passing memory; it is a story of success engraved forever in our heart and in the achievements record. It is a reminder of the day when good will joined hands with honest determination, to achieve building, development, justice, cohesion and welfare for all of the Emirati people.”

In conclusion, Major General Badran noted, “The Ministry of Interior and the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters have embraced the spirit of the Union in their quest to make further achievements in all fields. This approach, which aims at promoting safety and security across the Union for all citizens, residents, and visitors of the UAE, falls in line with the MoI strategic plan 2014-2016, stemming from the Federal Government strategy, aimed at making the UAE one of the most secure and safe countries in the world.”

Rashid Thani Al Matroushi: We are Proud of the UAE Achievements

Major General Rashid Thani Al Matroushi, Civil Defense Acting General Commander-in-chief said, “The UAE National Day is an opportunity to express our pride in the founding leaders who have toiled to establish the pillars of a strong modern country. We pledge to follow in their footsteps and pursue their commendable path of achievements, which nurture a brighter future, by improving citizens and residents’ lives and positioning the UAE among world countries, thanks to the full-fledged support of the higher leadership. The National Day is also an incentive for all those who work in the various government and private sectors to work on establishing and implementing developmental plans designed to achieve people’s happiness. It also represents an additional incentive to engage in the international competitiveness race to make the UAE one of the best countries in the world in terms of prosperity, security and stability.”

Major General Al Matroushi also asserted that the Civil Defense has witnessed rapid development since the establishment of the Union, especially following the Federal Supreme Council Decree No. 4 of 1976 on unifying firefighting units across the UAE and establishing the General Directorate of Civil Defense. Additionally, he noted that the civil defense has adopted in recent years, a set of practices based on the best international standards in the fields of awareness, prevention and protection, including: the National campaign for Family's safety at Homes, which was the first awareness campaign in the world that involves all families across the UAE; the National Safety Campaign in Industrial Areas, which is the first in the Arab world, aimed at establishing a database on all industrial areas in the UAE for preventive purposes; compiling and publishing the first comprehensive guidelines “Emirates Code” (in English and Arabic) according to international standards in the Gulf area, which is aimed at protecting lives and buildings; and achieving the best standard time for response certificate from NFPA. The Civil Defense body also implemented the E-Engineer Program, which is the first electronic program in the world to study and accredit engineering plans online. Civil Defense bodies also achieved great strides in applying the Smart Systems project, which placed the UAE in the fourth position globally in implementing the system that provides electronic protection, prevention, and control for safety purposes in all buildings and facilities. Additionally, the Civil Defense prepared, published, and implemented Emergency Procedures Guidelines, which is the first of its kind in the Arab world; an accident management system that determines the roles of all parties involved in firefighting and rescue missions on the various leadership levels.

Adding further, he said, “As part of the UAE 43rd National Day celebrations, the Civil Defense teams across the UAE are endeavoring to implement 22 competitive developmental initiatives by 2016 in the main operations and support services, as part of the UAE 2021 Strategy.” In conclusion, Major General Al Matroushi conveyed the warmest congratulations of all civil defense members to the higher leadership, the UAE citizens, residents, and the good people in the world on the auspicious 43rd National Day. He also stressed on the importance of commitment and hard work in order to achieve a secure community and safe future.

Abdul Aziz Al Shareefi: Honorable History and Solid Foundations

“By the grace of the Almighty Allah, he UAE embarked on its journey towards the future and piled up countless achievements in the process. Our National Day will always be a beacon in the history of our beloved country, an honorable chapter in history that gives pride to the coming generations. The Union, which was built on solid foundations, established a rich present and ushers in a brighter, prosperous future,” said Major General Abdul Aziz Maktoum Al Shareefi, Director General of Protective Security at the Ministry of Interior. “As we celebrate another glorious year full of achievements under the Union, we welcome another year, unified with confidence and determined to exert unwavering efforts to achieve the objectives of our common vision, firmly abiding by the principles that granted success to our journey, and maintaining the same approach that protected our country’s security and stability, ensured cohesion and harmony to our society, and empowered us to realize sustainable development. This approach would guarantee ongoing achievements, contribute to further development and progress, foster our values, traditions, and identity, and maintain our heritage. History has written the purest words about the epic accomplishments made by the leaders of this country, who managed to unite the Emirates and express the meaning of national unity to the world. In this spirit, this grand occasion is a reminder of unity, harmony and the original genuine characteristics of the leaders of this country and its faithful men.”

Major General Al Shareefi continued, “The Emirati citizens proudly recall this historic day that saw the birth of the Union, thanks to the unstinting efforts of late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and his brothers, their Highnesses, Federal Supreme Council members, who embodied the most sublime examples of loyalty and dedication to advance this country. The distinguished cultural attainments stand out prominently in all areas of life, placing the UAE at the forefront of world countries in terms of progress and prosperity. Today, thanks to the wisdom of our higher leadership, we enjoy a life  oasis of safety and security, in a country which keeps on growing steadily year after year towards more prosperity and development,  while dedicating all available resources to advance the human cadre,  being the cornerstone  of development and growth.

In conclusion, Major General Al Shareefi said, “Thanks to the keen interest and commitment of our higher leadership, the UAE enjoys strong relations with various countries of the world, in a framework of coexistence, respect and dialogue. This has earned the UAE the trust and admiration of the international community. The security bodies are performing their duties by building strategic partnerships with government authorities (Federal and local).” He also stressed that commemorating this prestigious occasion reflects the importance of instilling the love for the homeland in the young generations and strengthening the feeling of belonging to this bountiful land, in addition to encouraging them to pursue the process of building, development, innovation, and keeping pace with all aspects of development and progress.

Al Menhali: A Journey of Construction and Development

Major General Mohammed bin Al Awadhi Al Menhali, Director General of Human Resources in Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters said: “the 2ndof December 1971 is a bright spot in the history of the UAE and the region, and a source of pride for the nation. Each year, we celebrate this dear occasion, and we realize that the accomplishments made by the UAE since the launch of the journey of good and giving were the most important achievements that a nation can make. This was made possible by the grace of the Almighty God and the vision of the Late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, with the support of his brethren their Highnesses Supreme Council Members and Rulers of the Emirates and through the hard work of the loyal Emirati people. This made the UAE a role model and an experience that was highly acclaimed and appreciated worldwide.”

He stressed: “The National Day is not just an occasion for festivities and celebrations; it is a day to renew our loyalty and love to our leaders. It is an opportunity to strengthen the image of people’s devotion towards their leaders and the concerted efforts to complete the continuous construction, development and progress journey. With the care and attention of the higher leadership, the pace was accelerated to develop all sectors, upgrade the quality of services and provide welfare and decent living. The human factor was at the top of the priorities of the higher leadership, so it strived to establish academies, universities, institutes and schools as per the highest international standards, and adopted the best and the highest levels of modern teaching methods and curriculum. It also sent Emirati students to various universities and academies worldwide to obtain the highest academic degrees in various disciplines.”

Adding further, he pointed out: “The Emirati women, alongside their fellow male citizens played a major role in the renaissance and development journey. They held the highest positions and titles; making the UAE one of the best countries in the world in terms of welfare standards and criteria issued by the World Economic Forum. This was made possible thanks to the efforts of the higher leadership that always aspires for the better and endeavors achieve further success and excellence.”

“The police entities assumed a doubled role in providing the adequate and appropriate environment for the protection of those enormous cultural achievements, and took up the challenge of keeping up with development.”

In conclusion he reiterated: “We renew the covenant of loyalty to our higher leadership, and we congratulate ourselves as Emiratis for having such wise leadership. This leadership is characterized by its insightful vision, deep love for its country and people, and constant pursuit to take the initiative so that the UAE can always be at the highest levels in all fields. In this auspicious occasion, we reiterate our vows of loyalty and our promise to protect our country and sacrifice all that we have to promote the security and stability enjoyed by the UAE. We also vow to follow the footsteps of our leadership to build the country of love, goodness and tolerance. Moreover, we promise to exert all efforts to move forward with the journey of giving and development.”

Dr. Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi: The Journey of Goodness and Evolution

Major General Dr. Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi, Director General of Central Operations at the Abu Dhabi Police noted that the 2ndof December of each year fills us with pride for belonging to the UAE, the country of goodness and giving. While celebrating the UAE 43rd National Day; we can only admire the tremendous achievements in all areas of life. The Union’s Day represents a day of pride and accomplishments achieved along the renaissance journey that had taken important strides towards making our country one of the best countries in the world in terms of renaissance, development, goodness, giving, progress and evolution. A journey launched by late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and moved forward in steady steps with the higher leadership’s solid determination and insightful vision aimed at building a modern country with a solid foundation. This took the country to the highest levels of progress and prosperity in the world.”

He added: “The Union’s journey realized the dreams of UAE citizens over the past decades, moving the country to broad prospects of construction, growth and development in various fields. Our joy of the national day symbolizes the interdependence of the leadership and the people of the country that is moving forward with confidence towards a brighter future, a future of great smart technology, and a future of comprehensive development and progress. The aim is to continue the march of goodness that was initiated by The Late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.”

Additionally, he noted: “What distinguishes the journey of goodness and giving of our country is the focus on the human factor. The main concern of the leadership and the key factor in building the country and the Union’s journey has always been to develop and care for citizens with the belief that the human element is at the heart of each serious development process, and the continuous and real progress depends on educated and conscious citizens.”

He added: "We hope through this occasion to join the efforts of the UAE citizens to achieve the most noble of all goals, namely the pride of our nation, and to maintain its security, stability and the well-being of its people.”

Dr. Abdul Quddous Al Obaidly: A Journey of Comprehensive Achievements

Major General Dr. Abdul Quddous Abdul Razzaq Al Obaidly, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police for the Quality and Excellence Affairs emphasized that the UAE is a special case; not only in the Arab region, but worldwide. “The Union represented a starting point separating between emirates living separately unable of making their own decisions, and a country capable of progressing and positioning itself among the civilized nations of the world. This was achieved in a record time in terms of building nations, countries and civilizations,” he noted.

He added: “What distinguishes the higher leadership from the other successful leaderships in the world is that it differentiated itself in two main things. The first is its focus on the human element as the essence of development. Therefore, it devoted all its attention to maintain the happiness and welfare of its people, providing them with the sciences and knowledge which enable them contribute effectively in building their country. Moreover, it provided them with all the elements of a decent life which made them the happiest people on Earth. The second thing is the desire to pass long and difficult distances at the shortest possible time and via the easiest way, which explains the great renaissance the country achieved in a short period of time. This made observers commend this unique federal experience, and try to reproduce it and to learn from it.”

In conclusion, he said: “I pray to the Almighty God for many returns of this occasion with security, safety, glory and prosperity. I also pray for the souls of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, who both laid the foundations of this country and built the land and the human, with their brethren their Highnesses Supreme Council Members and Rulers of the Emirates.”

Police Leaderships: the Journey of Achievements Realized Progress and Evolution

The Police general leaders extended their deepest congratulations and blessings to the country’s leadership and people on the occasion of the UAE 43rd National Day, hailing the Union’s achievements. The renaissance, evolution and progress journey reflected positively on Emirati citizens, and its blessings were seen all around the globe in terms of security and safety. It’s a journey that continues with the aim to preserve the achievements made by the country.

Commander General of Dubai Police: A Happy Nation

Major General Khamis Matar Al Muzainah, Commander General of the Dubai Police, said: “Our country is celebrating 43 years of achievements that have elevated our country and our people regionally and internationally in every level. Prosperity is not only contained in the thriving present, the civilizational landmarks, or the world-class infrastructure – it has gone beyond that. Prosperity is found within the citizens of the UAE, who are the happiest people of any nation, a nation that races in time to keep pace with the latest technologies and most advanced concepts and systems; a nation that doesn’t settle for anything less than being number one.  All this has taken place under the guidance of the wise leadership that harnesses all capabilities for the service of the people. For a country with the age of 43 years, and to this day, it has journeyed along an ample march that has witnessed political, economic and cultural growth in capital. Such a glamorous spirit of the union has complimented the UAE’s standing as a place of interest and a destination for all. Should a disaster fall upon any nation, the UAE would be quick to provide economic, social, and humane assistance. The latest of the initiatives of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, included his directives to support the health sector and to enhance preventive programs in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and to vaccinate millions of children against polio. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai, launched the UAE Water Aid initiative, to provide drinking water to millions of people in countries suffering from scarcity of water. ‘Noor Dubai’ also continues its efforts in treating millions of people with blindness and visual impairments.

We at the Dubai Police, appreciate the orders of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai ,to transform our services and provide smart service in order to make customers happy - which ultimately led to us receiving the UN-organized World Summit Award for mobile phone content and applications, a global initiative that selects and honors the best innovations in mobile phone content and applications. This award witnessed more than 480 participations from over 100 countries, and we were among the top 40 in outstanding mobile phone content in the world. This reflects the continuous efforts in the field of innovation and the strategy of ongoing development under the smart government category.

As the Dubai Police General Headquarters renews it pledge to the wise leadership, we reiterate that with the sound insight of the leadership, the UAE has become number one in the index for respecting women worldwide, number one in the Governmental Decisions Quality and Absence of Bureaucracy worldwide, number one in the Student Attraction worldwide, and number one in Government Efficiency worldwide.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, culminated his future vision for excellence and creativity, by launching the national strategy for innovation which aims to make the UAE among the most innovative global countries in seven main national sectors, including: renewable energy, transport, health, education, technology, water, and space.”

Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police: Human Well-being, Security, and Prosperity

Major General Humaid Al Hadidi, Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police, said: “The memory of the 43rd National Day comes at a time when the unity of our country and our people has been cemented; as our people gather under the flag of our wise and dignified leadership, and cling to its principles, symbols, and goals. Our people take pride in the civilizational and historical achievements which have not been limited to only meeting the ambition and aspirations of our people - they have indeed become an additional asset for human civilization. Add to this the scientific, technological, knowledge, and civilizational advancements and achievements that have placed our country at the forefront in an international arena where countries seek to provide human well-being, security, and prosperity. This has made our country worthy of the appreciation and respect received by the world, and this appreciation has been witnessed in every gathering that recognizes the generosity of countries, the achievements of nations, and honors its leaders and citizens.

We are about to celebrate the 43rdNational Day of our young country, which has exceeded all standards of luxury, well-being, happiness, and decent life for our people. We have achieved unprecedented rates of development in all fields, and have been recognized as the best in the race of progress; confirming the ability of our people and citizens in establishing excellence in internationally competitive fields, and in dazzling the world through the achievements and ability to make such economic urban and developmental achievements. Our country has earned the highest standards in police and security services and in human care; and today we foresee the prospects of entering the space era and reaching the moon. Through these great leading achievements we are harvesting what was planted by the founder of the country, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and the late rulers and founders of the UAE, may Allah reward them for the achievements and good deeds they have done for their people and nation. We greet them and the loyal leaders who have followed in their steps, who have kept the same path and have worked on achieving the same goals and aspirations. All of this has resulted in the achievements and gains that were realized for our country and people under the high rising flag of the union.”

Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Ajman Police: A Sophisticated and Modern Country

Brigadier Sheikh Sultan bin Abdullah Al Nuaimi, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Ajman Police, said: “No man is capable of denying the unforgettable and proud days within the history of the UAE – and among these, the greatest day was the announcement of the union. This announcement reflects the wise vision of the UAE founder, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah bless him and have mercy upon his soul. The march of the union has established a modern state in a significantly small amount of time, turning dreams into a reality through profound efforts that have reflected the spirit of will and determination.  With success followed by success and a secured leading position on the world map, the UAE has become a source of pride for all of its citizens and residents, as it embodies a march of welfare and giving that keeps the same pace. The resolution and willpower for achieving more pioneering advancements in the present, is derived from the achievements of the first founders which have further encouraged additional efforts. Every step aims to strengthen the achievements and ensure further achievements, as well as honor the aspirations of the coming generations through the provision of a decent living and a stable and secure life.

Along this journey, the achievements of the UAE have been as diverse as the country’s multifaceted goals of development. This reflects the wise strategy of the UAE to utilize all possible capacities and capabilities in creating a national environment that copes with all of the scientific and technological updates through an integrated local and federal approach.”

Brigadier Sheikh Al Nuaimi concluded: “On the occasion of the 43rd National Day, we cannot help but remember the powerful reputation of the UAE founder, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah bless him and have mercy upon his soul, and his late brothers the great leaders, who have built the structure of the union. As we pray to Allah to protect our beloved country, the land of welfare and development, we swear to our wise leadership that we will continue to push forth in our efforts in order to establish the values of the union and to preserve its achievements.”

Commander-in-Chief of Umm Al Quwain Police: Witnessing a Globally Unparalleled Civilization

On the occasion of the 43rd UAE National Day, Brigadier Rashid Bin Ahmed Al Mualla, Commander-in-Chief of Umm Al Quwain Police, said: “On behalf of all members of the Umm Al Quwain Police GHQ and myself, I would like to extend the heartfelt congratulations and blessings to the higher leadership and the people of the UAE, who have given the greatest examples of loyalty, love, and belonging between the rulers and the people. The people have come together to achieve milestones across all fields and have taken wise steps towards the future with a steady plan, one that is comprised of a unique model of cooperation. Under our wise leadership, our citizens have been able to fulfill the vision of the leadership – which is why the people of the UAE are the happiest people on earth.”

“Following the union of the UAE, when we consider the achievements the UAE, every expectation has not only been met – but exceeded. Through the chronological timeline of the UAE, from the year of its establishment to today, following the boom, the world has witnessed the growth of a civilization that is incomparable to any. Recalling the words of the founder of the UAE, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah bless him and have mercy upon his soul, as he said: ‘The next and most important phase, is the construction of human identity-  as this national necessity stands before the construction of buildings or facilities. If the men with morals are lacking, prosperity and welfare are impossible to achieve for the people.’ On the security front, and in line with the UAE vision to become the safest and most secure place in the world, the well-deserved achievements and awards of the Ministry of Interior are accumulating and are widely felt in the hearts of those who live in the UAE and of those who merely hear about this beloved country. Thanks to Allah, the UAE is recognized as a home of security and safety. More than 200 nationalities live here in the UAE and all are treated humanely with guaranteed rights as they all live together and in a harmonious state of mind, tradition, and heritage. Our country has become a harbor for those who seek a carefree life, sources of global investments, a leading regional economy, and a global key player. UAE is involved in education, health, industry and trade alongside other competitive industries. Congratulations to us- to our country, to our leadership and to our people. We swore an oath of allegiance to do our best to maintain the achievements of the UAE - both here at home and beyond- to raise the UAE flag in every field, and to harness our capabilities and talents to serve our country and people by all the means,” Brigadier Al Mualla added.

Commander-in-Chief of Ras Al Khaimah Police: The March of Development

Brigadier Ali Abdullah bin Alwan Al Nuaimi, Commander-in-Chief of Ras Al Khaimah Police, said: “No man is capable of denying the unforgettable and proud days in history of the UAE – and among these, the greatest day was the announcement of the union. This announcement reflects the wise vision of the UAE founder, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah bless him and have mercy upon his soul, his brothers their Highnesses, Members of the Supreme Council, Rulers of the Emirates. The march of development has established a modern state in a significantly small amount of time, turning dreams into a reality through profound efforts that have reflected the spirit of will and determination. With success followed by success, the UAE has become a source of pride to all of us. The journey of the union has achieved numerous milestones, fulfilling great dreams and covering a wide variety of life stages. This march has transported the UAE, its society and its individuals, to the twenty-first century, while simultaneously equipping them with all with the capabilities needed to face any challenge. Along this journey, the achievements of the UAE have been as diverse as the country’s multifaceted goals of development. This reflects the wise strategy of the UAE to utilize all possible capacities and capabilities in creating a national environment that copes with all scientific and technological updates through an integrated local and federal approach.”

Brigadier Al Nuaimi concluded: “On the occasion of the 43rd National Day, we cannot help but remember the powerful reputation of the UAE founder, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah bless him and have mercy upon his soul, and his late brothers the great leaders, who have built the structure of the union. As we pray to Allah to protect our beloved country, the land of welfare and development, we swear to our wise leadership that we will continue to push forth in our efforts in order to establish the values of the union and to protect its achievements.”

Commander-in-Chief of Fujairah Police: A Beloved Occasion

Brigadier Mohammed Ahmed bin Ghanim Al Kaabi, Commander-in-Chief of Fujairah Police, said: “The second of December is a beloved occasion and a precious memory, as our country was founded upon a strong union. The union of our seven Emirates is written in history following the decision and will of the wise founder, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah bless him and have mercy upon his soul, his late brothers their Highnesses, Members of the Supreme Council, and Rulers of the Emirates who brought the UAE together with the most advanced countries in the world to compete on different fields.”

Brigadier Al Kaabi added: “Thanks to the attention and the support of the higher leadership, we live in an oasis of security and safety today. To this day, the journey of welfare achieves further glory, prosperity, and development under the wise leadership. UAE is moving forward, with steady steps towards development, and is harnessing all wealth in order to support the human element. People have received a large portion of this attention, as they represent the core of the pillar of the nation. The UAE has built strong, established relationships with other countries based on cohesion, respect, and dialogue. Thus, the UAE has become a source of trust and appreciation by the international community. The security forces are fulfilling its roles, while building strategic partnership with different government entities, both local and federal.

Under the umbrella of the Ministry of the Interior, the Fujairah Police GHQ have achieved great milestones over the years that live up to the level of its mission; and have led to the construction of a sophisticated, modern police force equipped with strategic visions that cope with the changing developments in our world. The police forces are current and follow-up with all security developments in order to efficiently fight, eliminate, and maintain crimes in its various forms and guarantee security for individuals and institutions within the framework of the objectives. The strategic plan is part of the Ministry of Interior’s strategy to enhance security, control roads, achieve high levels of safety, guarantee immediate and proper response at times of crisis, increase public trust in our services, optimize usage of information, and provide all of our services with highest standards of quality, efficiency, and transparency.

This vision has yielded a number of accomplishments for the Fujairah Police GHQ, including the 5-star rating under the Emirates Government Service Excellence Program  for the Traffic and Licensing Center which is a the first in the MENA region for the best technological achievement. The center also received the Minister of Interior’s Excellence Award for Innovation and Creativity and for the Social Service. The Fujairah Police GHQ received the ISO 9001:2008 for all of its organizational units. We also established and activated the Community Police Section, the Crime Scene Section and the Federal Security Information Section. We also implemented comprehensive police standards at the Dibba Al Fujairah Police Department. We also came second at the Minister of Interior’s Excellence Award for Traffic Safety. Furthermore, we issued a periodical magazine titled Al Shurtta Al Youm.”

Brigadier Al Kaabi also said: “We are proud of the achievements of the UAE in police security fields. Thanks to the attention and the support of the higher leadership, today, our police forces are up-to-date and follow all security updates based on a comprehensive approach that considers the levels of performance and assesses all security services. In order to achieve our goals, this process covers all human aspects and financial capacities.

Finally, I wish good luck to all officers, non-commissioned officers, individuals, soldiers and civilians, as they serve our generous homeland. I encourage everyone to exert further efforts and improve themselves, in order to bring welfare to our families, communities, and our country - all under the higher leadership.”

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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-987-1317







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