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Murgitroyd’s Euro Hubs Offer Certainty After Brexit Vote

 As the world’s only intellectual property (IP) attorney firm operating across the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe, Murgitroyd is uniquely positioned to provide market certainty in the wake of the Brexit vote

GLASGOW, United Kingdom - Monday, July 4th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Over the next few years, as the UK officially begins the process of leaving the EU, Murgitroyd’s clients will feel the full advantage of its extensive office network.

“This is a pan-European company, with experienced attorneys based in the UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy and the Nordic Region,” said the firm’s founder and Chairman, Ian Murgitroyd. “So we’re perfectly placed to operate across the entire European IP landscape.

“We don’t yet know when the UK will exit the EU. But we do know that our extensive and long-standing network of offices gives us a unique perspective on events. It perfectly positions us to take care of our clients’ needs, without any disruption to service.”

To ensure that continuity of service, Murgitroyd has made its Ireland office the English-speaking EU hub for clients outside the UK. The company’s headquarters will still be in Glasgow, and are not affected by that decision.

“Glasgow is where this company was founded, and it remains at the heart of all our operations,” said Mr Murgitroyd. “But by making sure our clients have the same access to English-speaking, EU-based IP specialists as they enjoy now, we’re offering certainty and confidence where there might otherwise be concerns and doubt.”

Murgitroyd has already posted information on its website and issued emails to clients to explain the potential impact of the UK vote in terms of European IP law.

“The crucial thing for all clients is that at a time when there’s a lot of change and uncertainty, we’ll be able to continue representing them without any interruptions to their service,” said Mr Murgitroyd. “We’ll still be able to appear before the EU IPO for EU trade mark and design matters. And we will be able to appear before the Unified Patent Court for patent matters when it comes into being.

“We’ll keep clients fully informed of any and all developments as they arise, and we’re happy to offer advice and expertise to anyone with concerns about how this change might affect their IP rights. Most importantly, we’ll make sure business continues as usual, whatever the future holds.”

About Murgitroyd

Murgitroyd ranks among the largest groups of patent and trademark attorneys in Europe, with over 60 patent and trademark professionals and 260 staff. Its 14 European offices in the UK, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Switzerland provide local and European representation. It also has direct representation rights in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, two client liaison offices in the United States and an office in Managua, Nicaragua specialising in patent search services. The firm works across all industrial sectors.

Visit for further information.     



Fiona McKenzie, Manager Manager - Europe

+44 (0)141 307 8400






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