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Main » 2016 » June » 29 » Nashwa Al Ruwaini Discusses Business Expansion for the Pyramedia Group at the Investment Summit in Washington D.C. Attended By Barak Obama
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Nashwa Al Ruwaini Discusses Business Expansion for the Pyramedia Group at the Investment Summit in Washington D.C. Attended By Barak Obama

Washington D.C. - Wednesday, June 29th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

Pyramedia Group CEO Nashwa Al Ruwaini attended the Select USA Investment Summit at the Washington Hilton to discuss opportunities of collaboration between the Pyramedia group of companies and business organizations in the USA.  The biggest economic event of its kind in North America, this investment summit, attended by high level delegates, government officials and business personalities is a platform that brings together companies and high-level government officials from all over the world to facilitate business investments.

Al Ruwaini, who was invited by the government of USA to attend this event along with the representatives of the private sector in the UAE, spoke about the unique opportunity such an event presents for businesses. “This event facilitates an international dialogue between businesses, economic development professionals, service providers and government leaders from across the globe. It is a unique platform for the Pyramedia Group which is currently expanding its operations across the globe, to meet with potential partner companies based in the USA” she said.

When asked about the specific goals for Pyramedia’s participation, Al Ruwaini explained that this was in line with the company’s strategic vision for the future. “Successfully managing a portfolio of businesses in diverse sectors within Middle-East, we saw the necessity to diversify and expand our international presence, to strengthen our international partnerships and broaden our focus to one that is increasingly global. Naturally United States has been our first geographical focus, due to many benefits for Foreign Direct Investments, its business-friendly environment, attractive/stable market and cultivating sources of innovation in different fields. Our aim is to invest in small- and medium-sized businesses, aligned with our exciting portfolio or a potential affiliate for our strategic expansions with the objective of achieving long-term capital appreciation, and contributing to economic growth and prosperity”.

The Pyramedia Group of companies includes subsidiaries that are already active in the media, heath care and beauty industries. And we discussed investments with global entities across those sectors that we already operate in and our future investment that include real estate, retail, pharmaceuticals, biotech and agribusiness industries” she said.

The two day summit hosted by the Honorable Penny Pritzker, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, was also attended by many other eminent personalities such as the Honorable President of the United States, Barack Obama and Honorable Secretary of State, John Kerry in addition to numerous heads of multinational companies and government officials from more than 70 international markets. The summit discussions this year focused on the use of innovation, technology, global partnerships and access to capital for businesses with the aim to augment international business opportunities.


Peter Glore

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