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Main » 2021 » October » 2 » "Ninja Diet" by Sideranch Inc. Published: Learn the Secrets of Dieting as a Ninja
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"Ninja Diet" by Sideranch Inc. Published: Learn the Secrets of Dieting as a Ninja

TOKYO-Friday 1 October 2021 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Sideranch Inc.'s book "Ninja Diet" is available in English on Kindle starting from September, 2021.

There are many dieting methods in the world that pretend to be "easy to lose weight", but a truly correct diet is not easy and requires self-management and training. Instead of relying on an easy diet method, first understand and control yourself, endure everything and train.

This is the basis of a ninja.

This book is different from the easy diet methods that overflow the bookshelves. It is a secret book that those who aspire to diet should read first, face the truth of the diet, propose the correct attitude, and then start the natural weight loss.

Learning the spirit of a ninja (NIN) and the way of life, which is painless to endure, is the first secret that a diet-minded person (JA) should learn.

To become a ninja, you need to understand your movements, metabolism, breathing, sleep, and every bite of food. In addition to these, you need to take control of your daily life and "survive."

When you read this book and become a diet aspirant, you will start your journey to become a ninja.

You can get your Ninja Diet e-book from Amazon.

About The Author

Mitsue Ueda
Doctor of Medicine / Medical Journalist

In addition to teaching at university, Mitsue Ueda supervises medical programs, and she is a TV commentator for "Health Examination of Great People" by NHK/BS. Her other books include Health of the Sengoku Period Warlords and Health Study of Edo Period.

Sideranch Inc.
+81 3-5256-1003
Buse Alan
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