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Parse Biosciences Launches Evercode Mouse BCR to Support Antibody Engineering and Development for Drug Discovery Applications

SEATTLE - Thursday, 12. December 2024 AETOSWire 

New Kits Capture Full-Length BCR Sequences from Mouse Samples, Enhancing their Utility for Immunological Studies

(BUSINESS WIRE) -- Parse Biosciences, a leader in scalable single cell sequencing solutions, today announced the expansion of its Evercode BCR™ product line to enable applications in mice. The new kits enable researchers to profile the mouse BCR repertoire alongside whole transcriptome data for millions of cells in a single experiment, offering unmatched scale and efficiency for antibody discovery.

The Evercode BCR platform is designed to streamline workflows for antibody research, allowing scientists to identify individual antibody-producing cells and their clonally-related groups that generate specific antibodies of interest. Unique features, such as sample fixation capabilities, allow researchers to preserve cells and samples from mice for up to six months, thereby reducing the need to harvest additional mice and maximizing the yield per discovery campaign. Further, the technology eliminates the requirement for costly equipment, making advanced single cell analysis accessible with standard laboratory tools.

Evercode BCR delivers comprehensive profiling of BCR clonotype diversity and VDJ gene usage frequencies, while its high pairing rate for the immunoglobulin heavy and light chains ensures accurate antibody analysis. Additionally, it excels at detecting rare populations, such as plasma cells, preserved through gentle fixation and advanced combinatorial cell barcoding techniques.

"With the expansion of Evercode BCR to support studies in mice, researchers can comprehensively characterize the immunological responses in disease-specific mouse models and accelerate their antibody discovery efforts," said Charlie Roco, Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of Parse Biosciences. "We're excited to see the impact this will have on the field of immunology and antibody-based drug discovery, overall."

Early access user Dan Rohrer, CTO of AbTherx, praised the product's potential: "It is exciting to see for the first time that Evercode BCR was successfully used for transgenic mouse B cell analysis. We believe the Parse kit and technology will enable deep mining of Atlas™ B cell lineages and compartmental analysis to deliver exceptional performance in both hit generation and antibody diversity."

Parse Biosciences will showcase Evercode BCR at the Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics (AET) conference in San Diego, December 15-18. Attend their spotlight talk, "Deep Mining of Antibody Repertoires with Single Cell B Cell Sequencing Tools," for more details.

About Parse Biosciences

Parse Biosciences is a global life sciences company whose mission is to accelerate progress in human health and scientific research. Empowering researchers to perform single cell sequencing with unprecedented scale and ease, its pioneering approach has enabled groundbreaking discoveries in cancer treatment, tissue repair, stem cell therapy, kidney and liver disease, brain development, and the immune system.

With technology developed at the University of Washington by co-founders Alex Rosenberg and Charles Roco, Parse has raised over $100 million in capital and is now used by over 2,000 customers across the world. Its growing portfolio of products includes Evercode™ Whole Transcriptome, Evercode™ TCR, Evercode™ BCR, Gene Select, and a solution for data analysis, Trailmaker™.

Parse Biosciences is based in Seattle’s vibrant South Lake Union district, where it recently expanded into a new headquarters and state-of-the-art laboratory. To learn more, please visit


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Shev Rush, SRPR | 213.503.4828

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