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Samsung Galaxy S7 Embarks OT’s Latest Generation eSE

COLOMBES, France - Tuesday, June 28th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- OT (Oberthur Technologies), a leading global provider of embedded security software products, services and solutions today announced that PEARL by OT®, its state-of-the-art NFC embedded Secure Element (eSE) is equipped in the Samsung Galaxy S7.

PEARL by OT® is the most advanced multi-application eSE on the market. It offers a yet unattained level of security, the largest memory on the market and the latest NFC capabilities. Certified by all major payment schemes for mobile payment, PEARL by OT® offers a banking-grade level of security thanks to its EAL5+ and EMVCo certified component. It is also the best eSE to address the fragmented market of transport systems throughout the world thanks to the support of all major transport standards. Beyond payment and transit applications, this all-in-one eSE also allows easy deployment of secure governmental and automotive applications, as well as secure access to online services for enterprise and consumer markets.

PEARL by OT® is the safest possible place to store secret information and execute sensitive applications.

“We are very pleased by the strong and privileged relationship developed with Samsung over several years” said Marek Juda, Managing Director of OT's Connected Device Makers business. “OT is fully committed to support Samsung in the deployment of innovative and secure mobile services, such as Samsung Pay in Europe. This motivated our decision in 2015 to open a new R&D center dedicated to security technologies for smartphones and other connected devices in Seoul, Korea”.


OT is a world leader in embedded digital security that protects you when you connect, authenticate or pay.

OT is strategically positioned in high growth markets and offers embedded security software solutions for “end-point” devices as well as associated remote management solutions to a huge portfolio of international clients, including banks and financial institutions, mobile operators, authorities and governments, as well as manufacturers of connected objects and equipment.

OT employs over 6 500 employees worldwide, including almost 700 R&D people. With a global footprint of 4 regional secure manufacturing hubs and 39 secure service centers, OT’s international network serves clients in 169 countries. For more information:

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Oberthur Technologies

Audrey Besnardeau, Tél. : +33 1 78 14 76 75



Chloé Tisseuil / Elise Cognacq, Tél. : +33 1 86 21 50 54 / +33 1 86 21 50 67 /





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