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Scytl Technology Once Again Used in Largest Online Voting Election Worldwide

BARCELONA & PARIS - Wednesday, December 10th 2014 [ME NewsWire]

    With over 1.76 million votes securely cast, the 2014 French Ministry of Education election once again sets the record for online votes cast in a binding and public election.
    France leads the way in the strategic uptake of secure online voting for ongoing binding elections with 3 ministries - Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior – increasing their use of the online channel.

(BUSINESS WIRE) -- Scytl, the worldwide leader in secure online voting and election modernization, today announced the successful use once again of Scytl Online Voting by the French Ministry of Education (MEN) for the French teachers union representative elections. This election once again represents the largest online voting election worldwide of voters casting their ballot online in a binding and public election with over 1.76M votes securely cast with Scytl Online Voting.

After the successful and secure execution of the 2011 elections, the ministry once again leveraged their investment in Scytl Online Voting technology to run the 2014 elections where MEN employees voted for their union representatives. All votes were cast online (no paper ballots) via the platform that was available 24x7 during the voting period allowing voters to cast their ballot at any time and from any location via their PC, smart phone, tablet, etc. In addition to voting remotely online, on site kiosks were deployed to allow voters with no internet access to also cast their vote securely and privately.

The French Ministry of Education election is a worldwide reference for both best practices and technology for other countries and government agencies around the globe looking to implement online voting:

    Election size: the MEN election once again represents the largest election managed online with over 1.76M votes in 2014, a 20 % increase in participation from the 2011 election.
    Election complexity: the management of very complex voting processes with the simultaneous running of 923 sub-elections, by 71 independent electoral boards, for close to 4,000 candidates across France and overseas voters.
    Election scalability: supporting over 1,000 electoral board members autonomously and simultaneously using the platform across dispersed geographies from metropolitan France and in the DOM/COM region (Martinique, Guadeloupe, St Pierre and Miquelon, Guyana, French Polynesia, and Mayotte).
    Election security and verifiability: provided by end-to-end encryption for vote secrecy and integrity by encrypting and digitally signing votes on the voting device instead of the voting server, and the leverage of Java script encryption and digital signatures without the need to install client apps on voting devices.

With three ministries leveraging online voting for binding elections, France is leading the way in the strategic uptake of the online channel for ongoing binding elections. In addition to the Ministry of Education, Scytl Online Voting has been leveraged by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to securely run 5 elections since 2009 and the Ministry of Interior which has recently implemented Scytl´s secure technology for a their first online voting election in December 2014.

About Scytl

Scytl is the global leader in secure election management and electronic voting solutions. Specializing in election modernization technologies, Scytl offers the first end-to-end election management and voting platform, providing the highest security and transparency standards currently available. Scytl has capitalized on its more than 18 years of research to develop election-specific cryptographic security technology protected by more than 40 international patents and patent applications, positioning Scytl as the company with the largest patent portfolio of the industry.

Scytl’s solutions have been successfully used in more than 38 countries throughout the world over the last 10 years, including Canada, the United States, Mexico, Ecuador, France, Norway, Switzerland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the UAE, India, Iceland and Australia. Scytl is headquartered in Barcelona, Spain with strategic offices in Canada, the United States, Peru and Greece as well as field offices in the UK, Ukraine, Malaysia, India and Brazil.

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Media Contacts

Leticia Barcia,

+34 934 230 324

Senior Director Marketing Communications, Scytl






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