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Shiseido Awarded World's Most Ethical Companies Designation Three Years in a Row
TOKYO - Tuesday, March 25th 2014 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Shiseido Co., Ltd. (TOKYO:4911) has been selected and awarded the 2014 World’s Most Ethical Companies designation for the third consecutive year. The announcement was made on March 20, 2014 by Ethisphere® Institute, a U.S.-based international think-tank dedicated to advocating best practices in business in such areas as corporate ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

In addition to strengthening governance and thoroughly adhering to sound corporate ethics, global companies are currently urged to address major management challenges by taking a leadership role concerning social and environmental issues while also ensuring profitable, sustainable growth. Shiseido considers that these consecutive awards indicate society’s evaluation for its initiatives toward "becoming a global player representing Asia with its origins in Japan”. Shiseido will not only promote management with even more transparency but also contribute to society through various corporate activities.

2014 World’s Most Ethical Companies

"Ethisphere® Institute” has been researching approximately 1,000 companies from over 100 countries worldwide and announcing the "World’s Most Ethical Companies” every year since 2007. To select these companies, Ethisphere® Institute conducts research based on 5 categories of (1) concept of corporate ethics and legal compliance, (2) activity contents as a corporate citizen, (3) evaluation by society, top management leadership, communication with stakeholders, (4) establishment of corporate ethics, and (5) corporate governance system.

Shiseido Corporate Ethics and Social Contribution Activities

For approximately 140 years since it was founded in 1872, Shiseido has been engendering the spirit of "Serving our customers through beauty and wellness” as a fundamental principle of its corporate activities. Also, cognizant that overseas sales currently account for approximately 50% of sales, Shiseido has reviewed and newly established the Shiseido Group corporate philosophy entitled "Our Mission, Values and Way” in April 2011 with the aim of enhancing the solidarity of the Shiseido Group. Specifically, with regard to corporate ethics, Shiseido is carrying out initiatives based on "Our Way,” which denotes action standards that each and every employee should take to earn the trust of 5 types of stakeholders, including "customers”, "business partners”, "shareholders”, "employees”, and "society/Earth”. As for social contribution activities, Shiseido is also promoting various initiatives by designating women and cosmetics (beauty), culture and the environment as the three priority domains in which Shiseido is able to leverage its strengths.

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Tatsuyoshi Endo, +81-3-3572-5111

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