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AMSTERDAM - Monday, June 3rd 2013 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, is providing its smart card based solution to Dipon Consultancy Services Limited (DCSL) for their financial inclusion project in Bangladesh. DCSL is implementing this project in collaboration with Prime Bank Limited (PBL). The program named Prime Cash which represents over 76% of the country’s 150 million-population1 aims to provide secure access to banking services for people with limited or no access to banking services in both rural and urban areas in Bangladesh.

In its effort to foster financial inclusion, DCSL has deployed DG-ePay (Dipon Group-ePay) Service Points at major public places throughout the country. End users can enroll themselves and open an account at any of the DG-ePay Service Points. The Gemalto smart cards contain an embedded software application that securely stores the holder’s facial image and fingerprint data ... Read more »
Views: 314 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 06.03.2013

GENEVA - Monday, June 3rd 2013 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA ("UBP”), one of Switzerland’s leading private banks, is pleased to announce that it has agreed to acquire Lloyds Banking Group’s ("Lloyds”) International Private Banking business. This is a key step in the execution of UBP’s strategy to grow its global presence and to expand its private banking activities.

This acquisition further boosts UBP’s standing both in Switzerland and in its core growth markets, such as the Middle East and Latin America. Once the requisite regulatory licences have been granted, Monaco and Gibraltar will become part of UBP’s global footprint. The transaction will increase UBP’s assets under management, which stood at CHF 83.2 billion as at 30 April 2013, by more than CHF 10 billion. Following this acquisition, UBP will continue to be one of the best-capitalised private banks with a Tier 1 ratio above 30%.

Lloyds’ expertise in the fields of pri ... Read more »
Views: 259 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 06.03.2013

Results from LUX-Lung 6, together with previously reported LUX-Lung 3 data, substantiate the efficacy and safety of afatinib* in lung cancer patients with EGFR mutations when compared with standard chemotherapies

INGELHEIM, Germany - Sunday, June 2nd 2013 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Data from Boehringer Ingelheim’s LUX-Lung 6 trial, presented at the official American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Conference, demonstrate that patients treated with the novel, investigational compound afatinib* lived for almost one year before their tumour started to grow again, compared to less than half a year for those on standard chemotherapy (gemcitabine/cisplatin). Tumour assessment was based on independent review of the data showing progression-free survival (PFS) of 11.0 months for afatinib* and PFS of 5.6 months for chemotherapy.1 In addition, 47% of afatinib*-treated patients were alive and progression-free after one year of treatment compared to only 2% on chemot ... Read more »
Views: 309 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 06.03.2013