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INGELHEIM, Germany & INDIANAPOLIS, US. - Monday, December 2nd 2013 [ME NewsWire]

    More than 10,000 people with Type 2 Diabetes and more than 6,500 treating physicians from 26 countries are to take part in new survey
    Survey to investigate how early conversations between people with Type 2 Diabetes and physicians can be optimised
    Insights from survey will be used to develop solutions to support primary care physicians and people with Type 2 Diabetes

(BUSINESS WIRE) Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly and Company today announced the launch of the largest multinational survey to investigate early conversations between physicians and people living with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). The survey was developed in partnership with the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and will include more than 10,000 people with T2D and more than 6,500 treating-physicians across 26 countries worldwide. The findings will provide in-dep ... Read more »
Views: 240 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 12.02.2013 | Comments (0)

TOKYO - Saturday, November 30th 2013 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE) Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. (TOKYO:6302) announced today that it had received US FDA 510(k) clearance of its Proton Therapy System. It is the first 510(k) cleared medical device for Sumitomo. Proton therapy is a form of radiation therapy, which employs proton beams to kill cancer cells with better dose distribution in comparison with conventional x-rays. Currently 12 facilities are operational and several more are under construction in the United States, and the U.S. proton therapy market is expected to expand in the future.

Proton beam has a unique characteristic called the "Bragg Peak”. More absorption dose is delivered as the proton loses its energy; consequently, the maximum dose is deposited just before the beam stops, and there is no radiation dose to normal cells behind the target tumor volume. This unique characteristic is especially advantageous for cancers around critical organ structures and ... Read more »
Views: 305 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 12.02.2013