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Civil Defense Sector launches the ‘I Read’ Initiative

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - Thursday, April 21st 2016 [ME NewsWire]

The General Directorate of Resources and Support Services at the Civil Defense General Headquarters at the Ministry of Interior launched an initiative titled ‘I Read’. The initiative aims at instilling the culture of reading and knowledge diversity amongst staff members at the Civil Defense sector.

Major General Jassem Muhammad Al Marzouqui, Civil Defense General Commander-in-chief at the Ministry of Interior, said that the initiative is designed to support national efforts in establishing a strategy that encourages reading in all fields. He said: “This initiative also aims to develop the cultural and cognitive abilities of the Civil Defense sector’s employees, and reinforce self-development efforts that will reflect on their performance. All of this can be achieved by providing staff members with new knowledge and ideas they can acquire by reading general and specialized books and researches.”

Brigadier Hilal Eidha Al Mazroui, Director General of Resources and Support Services at the Civil Defense General Headquarters, explained that over 9,000 books were distributed at the various Civil Defense Centers across the UAE. The books delve on various scientific and literary topics and disciplines, as well as specialized studies. A special reading corner was also established at the General Headquarters in order to encourage staff members to adopt positive reading habits and to spread knowledge amongst them. The books were acquired in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development.

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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-666-4891







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