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HH Saif bin Zayed Receives NYPD Commissioner and the Accompanying Delegation

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - Sunday, April 24th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior received today (Sunday) the New York Police Department (NYPD) delegation headed by Police Commissioner William Bratton. The delegation included John Miller, Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism, along with other members of the NYPD.

HH Sheikh Saif welcomed the delegation’s visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), stressing the importance of international cooperation, mutual field work and expertise exchange between the UAE Ministry of Interior (MoI) and the NYPD. HH noted that such steps will foster efforts of serving the community, and will promote mutual relationships between the two sides in countering intercontinental crimes.

On a related note; Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan awarded Detective Andrew P. Kamarchevakul, NYPD Liaison Officer, the First Grade Medal for Security Cooperation in recognition of his efforts in strengthening communications, mutual operations and exchange of information and expertise between the two sides. It’s worth mentioning that Detective Kamarchevakul is currently attached to the General Directorate for Security Support at the UAE MoI.

Notably, the UAE MoI is currently undertaking arrangements to dispatch an Emirati officer to New York and work with the NYPD staff members in a step to promote mutual work.

For his part, NYPD Commissioner William Bratton expressed his admiration in the level reached by the UAE MoI in providing policing services according to the best international policing standards. He noted that the UAE MoI enjoys an excellent training system, continuously improves the competencies of its human elements, employs latest technologies in different police departments, and keeps pace with global developments and field applications in order to promote security and stability. The Police Commissioner stressed the keenness of the NYPD to promote the relationships with UAE MoI through knowledge and expertise exchange.

The meeting was attended by Major General Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of the Office of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, along with a number of UAE MoI officers. The NYPD was represented by a number of officers including Timothy John Trainor, Commanding Officer at Police Commissioner's Office; and Daniel Coats, NYPD Detective.

The delegation also visited Dubai Police and discussed with Major General Khamis Matar Al Muzainah, Commander General of the Dubai Police mutual cooperation, prompting the relationships between the two sides, and exchanging expertise and experiments in the police work field.

Major General Khamis Matar Al Muzainah accompanied the visiting delegation in a tour to the General Department of Criminal Investigations at the Dubai Police, and they were received by Major General Khalil Ibrahim Al Mansouri, Assistant Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police for Criminal Investigation Affairs, and heads of sub departments.

The General Department of Criminal Investigations at the Dubai Police organized an exhibition where it displayed its achievements and the technologies it uses, along with shedding light on qualified human resources and potentials. The Department utilizes these tools to limit crimes, spread security, counter offenders, and spread security culture among the members of the society. The Department also highlighted the role of the General Department of Anti-Economic Crime in protecting investors; protecting markets from fake products; and participating in providing services to UAE citizens and residents, and other segments of the society including individuals with special needs through mobile police stations and the Tourist Police Department.

The visiting delegation was also briefed on the objectives of luxury security patrols.

In the meetings’ hall, Major General Khamis Matar Al Muzainah explained in details the organizational structure of the General Department of Criminal Investigations, police stations and specialized sub departments that work under the umbrella of the General Department of Criminal Investigations.

Expert Yunus Al Muallem, Chief of the Anti-Money Laundry and Financial Crime Section, presented a number of money laundry cases, in which the Dubai Police successfully managed to seize the perpetrators. Colonel Khaled Al Kawari, Deputy Director of the General Department of Anti-Narcotics talked about the importance of international cooperation in relation to combatting drugs. He reviewed a number of cases in which the intelligence work of Dubai Police played a crucial role in catching drug trafficking gangs in international waters, by means of international cooperation and by concentrating and consolidating the efforts between all competent bodies in this regard.

Colonel Mohammed Akil Ahli, Director of the Criminal Tracking Department, presented the story of the Pink Panther gang, which committed the robbery of the “Graff shop” in the Wafi Shopping Center in 2007 and formed a real challenge of the competence of the security bodies in the UAE in general.

He explained that the Dubai Police had the precedence of solving the mystery behind the gang that confused the world, after sending 12 DNA samples of the members of the Pink Panther gang who committed the robbery on the Graff Jewelry shop to the General Secretariat of the Interpol. He noted that the Dubai Police had the advantage of exposing jewelry shops thefts in several countries around the world, and that the former Secretary General of the Interpol gave the credit to Dubai Police in exposing the Pink Panther gang that continued to pose a mystery to the world.

Lt. Colonel Saeed Al Hajiri, Director of the Electronic Intelligence Department highlighted the role of the department in reducing the rates of cybercrimes, fraud, hacking of bank accounts, stealing credit cards numbers and details of smart phones and advanced electronic devices users, and money scam. He stressed the gravity and negative impacts of such crimes on the economy such as financial blackmailing and threatening of individuals, electronic piracy related to money transfer, and raising the awareness of individuals and companies of security gaps, privacy and personal security breaches and the optimal way of dealing with the virtual reality.

He unveiled that the Dubai Police is preparing technological projects for detecting such crimes, and is working on enhancing the competence of officers and training them to combat those crimes, along with availing from the expertise and experience of other countries.

Major Engineer Expert Rashed Ahmed Lootah, Director of Digital Forensics Department at the Directorate General of Forensic Evidence and Criminology stressed the vital role of the department in examining the cases that come from the Electronic Intelligence Department. He noted that this aims to provide evidences that condemn the accused who were seized, stressing the importance of such evidences in course of litigation and preserving the rights of people and exposing the involved individuals.

After that, Major General Al Muzainah accompanied the visiting delegation to the Command and Control Center where they were received by Brigadier Omar Al Shamesi, Deputy Director of the General Department of Operations who gave a briefing on the nature of the work and the monitoring system of patrols and traffic movement on the streets of the Emirate of Dubai. He also highlighted the procedures taken from the moment of receiving a notification until the patrol arrives at the incident site, as well as the system of monitoring patrols by satellite and monitoring external roads by fixed and airborne cameras, and the early alarm service that is provided by Dubai Police to exchange shops, jewelry shops and banks.

The NYPD delegation also reviewed the 3D Map that covers all the Emirate’s areas, in addition to the patrol movement system which enables monitoring patrols movement on roads. This system accelerates response to incidents by the nearest patrol or ambulance in order to reach to the location as soon as possible. The delegation also reviewed the services designated to individuals with special needs of all disability types. The service registers details of individuals with special needs and their disability which facilitates informing the Command and Control Center should any incident occur with a person with special needs in order to dispatch a patrol to provide help. If the person is outside the jurisdiction of Dubai Emirate, the service contacts the Operations Room at the specified Emirate to take necessary procedures. The visiting delegation also reviewed the service designated for senior citizens and individuals with heart disease via ‘Your Security at a Click of a Button’ program which enables easy calling for help with the competent authorities. The program includes a button fixed at the beneficiary’s house, watch, or smartphone which is equipped with an electronic chip that sends a text message to the Command and Control Center. The message includes all details of the beneficiary and his health condition according to the information provided in the registration form. The message also locates the beneficiary in order to dispatch the nearest police patrol or ambulance at the earliest.

Towards the end of the meeting, Major General Khamis Matar Al Muzainah exchanged commemorative shields with Police Commissioner William Bratton. The NYPD Commissioner expressed his admiration of the advanced level of the Dubai Police General Headquarters. He also praised the policing excellence, high efficiency, and professional security capabilities of the Dubai Police members.

It is worth mentioning that the UAE MoI has close relations with the NYPD. These relations are built on a firm belief in the importance of cooperation with reputed police authorities worldwide, the essential role of continuous coordination, and exchanging experiences and knowledge. The NYPD is one of the most distinguished police authorities in the world, and it is famous for their professionalism in executing police duties and tasks.

Various delegations from NYPD visited the UAE MoI, most recently a visit by a delegation headed by NYPD Commissioner William Bratton in April 2015. During that visit the delegation reviewed the achievements of the UAE police authorities and their standards in enhancing work and human resources, as well as the efforts of keeping pace with developments and international field applications in fostering security and stability.

In addition to that, many agreements were signed in November 2015 between both parties to foster exchanging experiences. These agreements included memorandums of understanding on exchanging intelligence and police experience, in addition to developing cooperation in fighting all aspects of crime, utilizing modern police technologies adopted by both parties, as well as exchanging opinions about joint development and training operations that aim to enhance police efficiency.

The NYPD selected the UAE MoI as an honorary guest at the 9th Leadership Conference, organized by the NYPD for US police services. This came in recognition of the prestigious reputation of the UAE police, their distinctive and internationally acclaimed presence on the international level.

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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-666-4891







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