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Reed Exhibitions Japan Announces 16 Conferences Held Concurrent to Manufacturing World Osaka 2014

Global industry leaders will reveal the future of manufacturing industry

OSAKA, Japan. - Friday, September 19th 2014 [ME NewsWire]

Manufacturing World Osaka 2014

(BUSINESS WIRE) Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd. will be organising Manufacturing World Osaka 2014 - Western Japan’s largest trade show for the manufacturing industry, known as the “must-attend-show” for all people working in the manufacturing industry. (980 exhibitors and 43,000 visitors are expected to participate.) As a concurrent event, 16 valuable conferences are held together with Manufacturing World Osaka 2014 and are sure to be the latest topics for the manufacturing industry.

Special Conference (M-S1): “Next-Generation Manufacturing” by Siemens and Kawasaki Heavy Industries (10:30am – 12:00pm Wed. 24 September, 2014)

Michael Thomas, Senior Executive Operation Officer, Industry Sector Lead, Siemens Japan K.K. will make a presentation on “Changing manufacturing with information technologies to increase competitiveness”. He will unveil the goal realised by “Industry 4.0” which Siemens consider the key for future manufacturing.

Shinji Koga, Fellow, Corporate Technology Division, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. is another speaker of the Special Conference (M-S1). The conference title is “Efforts toward global enhancement of 'Manufacturing Capability' at Kawasaki” and he will introduce “Kawasaki Production System” which is the original manufacturing method created by the long history of their business.

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Special Conference (M-S2): What is the role of 3D printer for future manufacturing? (2:00pm – 3:30pm Wed. 24 September, 2014)

Jonathan Jaglom, General Manager, Asia Pacific & Japan, Stratasys AP Ltd. will address his presentation titled “Next-generation of 'Japanese' manufacturing with 3D printers”. The more 3D printers have been playing an important role in the manufacturing industry, the more new ideas in manufacturing have been required for better products. He will introduce the latest case study of 3D printers which are used not only for producing trial pieces, but also finished products/components and jig.

Tsuyoshi Tohyama, Director, Machine Parts and Tooling Industries Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will take the platform and will present “New manufacturing with 3D printers and efforts by METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)”. METI considers 3D printers to improve the digital manufacturing method in the near future and will introduce what METI is proceeding as state measures for the diffusion of 3D printers.

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Many more important seminars by global industry leaders

In addition to Special Conferences, many other global industry leaders will make their presentation such as Satoshi Ogiso, Managing Officer, Toyota Motor Corporation, Hiroyuki Ishino, Corporate Associate Vice President, Deputy General Manager, Management Transformation Division, RICOH Company Ltd., Kosuke Yamane, Executive Officer, President, Information Strategy Division, Komatsu Ltd. and more…

For the details >>

Information of Manufacturing World Osaka 2014

Show Title Manufacturing World Osaka 2014

Dates / Venue / Organiser Dates: September 24 (Wed.) - 26 (Fri.), 2014 Venue: INTEX Osaka, Japan Organised by: Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.

Shows Held inside Manufacturing World Osaka 2014 17th Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo Osaka [M-Tech Osaka] 17th Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Expo Osaka [DMS Osaka]

Web Links Official Website M-Tech Osaka: DMS Osaka:

Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.
Kenichi Matsumoto, +81-3-3349-8519
Manufacturing World Show Management
FAX: +81-3-3349-8530






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