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Saif Bin Zayed Launches the Smart Excellence Program for the Minister of Interior’s Excellence Award

Honors winners during the third edition

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Tuesday, June 16th 2015 [ME NewsWire]

Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior has confirmed that thanks to the support and attention paid by the leadership of the country, excellence has become a defining feature of the UAE - for both the people and the government of the nation. His Highness commended the leadership of the country for tirelessly following-up with every endeavor that contributes to elevating the union’s banner. Such efforts have instilled hope and vigor within the hearts of the sons and daughters of the nation, and have motived them to reach the highest levels by furthering the achievements gained in progress, prosperity and stability.

“The nation’s leadership, led by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE – may God protect him– is keen for the UAE to remain as a role model of modernity and development.  Our leadership unceasingly supports the march of excellence, which is nothing short of essential in today’s contemporary world.”

This came in a statement by His Highness Sheikh Saif in the wake of the honoring ceremony for the winners of the third edition of the Minister of Interior’s Excellence Awards. During the ceremony, which was held on Tuesday at the Police Officers Club in Abu Dhabi, His Highness launched the Smart Development Program for the award. “Today, the UAE police face a significant challenge as they prove that police work is truly synonymous with culture, innovation, sophistication and excellence” His Highness said; as he reiterated his assertion that police institutions are the most effective after gaining the trust of the people and the satisfaction of the customers.

His Highness Sheikh Saif hailed the distinguished recipients of the award and the participating individuals, teams, and institutions for the efforts exerted to win, to take part in the process, or in some cases, do both.   

“Today we celebrate the winners of the Minister of Interior’s Excellence Awards,” said HE Lt. General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, Deputy Chairman of the Dubai Police and General Security. “On this cherished occasion, I would like to invite everyone to reflect on the aspects of the award and its objectives. I call upon you to understand just how comprehensive this award is in terms of advancing the march of creativity.” He continued by highlighting how the award requires integrated performance across three categories, “which contribute to the sustainable institutional development driven by quality and excellence in performance – a prevailing factor of positive change and development that has been cultivated by the Ministry.” His Excellency pointed out how the Minister of Interior’s Excellence Award complements the Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Government Excellence Award in the endeavors made to elevate the levels of service, and to develop the standards of comprehensive quality and performance across all sectors of the Ministry of Interior.

The Deputy Chairman of the Dubai Police and General Security explained that the Minister of Interior’s Excellence Award embodies the strategy of the Ministry, and the aspirations of His Highness, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior. His Excellency said that both notions aim to: motivate the employees of the public and private sectors to pursue excellence and innovation; serve to develop a sense of positivity within the public; encourage competition for the Mohammed bin Rashid Government Excellence Award; and promote cooperation between police institutions and the various segments of society.

Lt. General Dhahi Khalfan expressed his utmost gratitude to the personnel of the Ministry and to the nation’s police leadership in recognition for their active participation in the categories of the award. He additionally praised the role of the neutral evaluation committees and their efforts that helped the award achieve its target objectives.

Major General Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of the Office of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Chairman of the Minister of Interior’s Excellence Award Committee, said: “The success stems from the directives to achieve significant leaps in the process of strategic development from Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, the founder and patron of the march of excellence within the Ministry and its commands.”

Maj. Gen. Al Nauimi stressed the keenness and attention paid by the higher police leadership to the importance of excellence and superiority, and to motivate the staff to maintain the achievements realized in the fields of security and safety. He pointed out that the MoI relentlessly strives to achieve its aspirations through a strategic vision that emphasizes efficient work so that the UAE will become one of the world’s safest and most secure countries.

He said that the award has further spurred the implementation of international concepts and standards of police excellence, and has created a spirit of competition between the various sectors, leadership, and personnel of the Ministry. “The award has allowed the personnel of the Ministry to demonstrate their skills and achievements in the service and development of police work. This has been exemplified through winning the nationwide Distinguished Internal Performance Improvement Team award, a category of the 2014 Mohammed bin Rashid Government Excellence Award,” he said.

Major General Dr. Abdul Quddous Abdul Razzaq Al Obaidly, General Coordinator of the Minister of Interior’s Excellence Award, said that the launch of the award in 2011 provided a framework and approach to governance and motivation. He pointed out that the vision of the higher leadership and its continuous support has enabled the Ministry to sit in the throne of excellence not only in the UAE, but also worldwide, in international competitiveness reports and receiving awards.

He added, “We are moving forward towards the fourth generation of government excellence, which was launched by the government as a part of the 2016 Sheikh Khalifa Government Excellence Program.”

Recalling the slogan of excellence, ‘Everyone is a Winner’, which was launched during the first edition of the award, Maj. General Al Obaidly said that it “has been firmly and realistically reflected in the third edition of the Minister of Interior’s Excellence Award.” He noted the increased number of participants for this edition of the award, with 450 participants for the 65 categories of the award. “In a bid to encourage and enable participation, the general secretariat of the award decided to increase the number of participants by enhancing the incentives in the main categories of the award. These categories included: department of excellence, region of excellence, and the Distinguished Security Area Award in accordance with the strategic value based on fairness, transparency and excellence.”

Lt. Colonel Dr. Ali Bin Daen Al Ghafli, Head of the Organizational Excellence Department at the Directorate General of Strategy and Performance Development at the General Secretariat of the Office of H.H. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, gave a speech. He said, “Our celebration today comes as part of our long chain of successes, and we will continue our endeavors on every level at the Ministry of Interior. The Ministry has taken it upon themselves to place excellence and success as the only option; they have encouraged teamwork, dedication, and the belief in the sanctity of this ideal to be carried within the future vision of the police leadership. They have established the culture of excellence as an actual practice in institutional and operational performance; which is exemplified in the decision to launch the 2011 Minister of Interior’s Excellence Award in a bid to set the comprehensive framework for institutional excellence and competition between the various sectors, commands, teams and personnel within the MoI. The goal is to be first place in terms of international security excellence systems.”

He said that the award has further spurred the implementation of international concepts and standards of police excellence, and has created a spirit of competition between the various sectors, leadership, and personnel of the Ministry. He reiterated that the award allowed the personnel of the Ministry to demonstrate their skills and achievements in the service and development of police work; which has been exemplified through winning the nationwide Distinguished Internal Performance Improvement Team award, a category of the 2014 Mohammed bin Rashid Government Excellence Award, and the intellectual property certification from the UAE Ministry of Economy.

He pointed to the results and achievements realized by implementing the system of the Minister of Interior’s Award, which are as follows:

When compared to the previous edition of the award, the institutional performance in various sectors and commands improved by 19 percent, and the percentage of participation in the various categories of the award improved by 12 percent. The award provided an abundant environment to train and sharpen the skills of excellence evaluators, as the increase in the number of the ministry’s participating evaluators was 69 percent when compared to the previous edition. The award also helped to prepare the Ministry for their participation in local and international excellence awards, which is embodied through significant increases in numbers of awards received. In 2012, the Ministry witnessed an increase of 50 percent more Mohammed bin Rashid Government Excellence Awards, and an increase of 72.2 percent in 2014, winning 16 of the 22 available awards.  The number of international awards won by the Ministry increased from five in 2013 to 15 in 2014.

He pointed out that the work team supervising the award at the Ministry develops the award after each edition in light of the latest developments on every level.  He said that a team of distinguished experts at the Ministry reviews and evaluates the categories, standards, and mechanisms of the award in accordance with the system of governmental excellence (fourth generation) and the UAE’s strategy of smart transformation.

The ceremony was attended by HE Lt. General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, Deputy Chairman of the Dubai Police and General Security; Major General Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of the Office of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Chairman of the Minister of Interior’s Excellence Award Committee; Major General Khalifa Hareb Al Khaili, Acting Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for Naturalization, Residency and Ports Affairs; UAE police chiefs, general directors at the MoI, as well as a number of senior police officers.

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Medals of Security Cooperation

Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, granted the Medal of Security Cooperation to a number of senior police chiefs in appreciation for their efforts in the fields of security and police work. The honorees included: Lt. General Saif Abdullah Al Sha’far, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Interior; HE Lt. General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, Deputy Chairman of the Dubai Police and General Security; Major General Mohammed Khalfan Matar Al Rumaithi, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Abu Dhabi Police; Major General Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of the Office of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior; Major General Khalifa Hareb Al Khaili, Acting Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for Naturalization, Residency and Ports Affairs; Major General Khalil Dawood Badran, Director General of Finance and Services at the Abu Dhabi Police GHQ; Major General Mohammed bin Al Awadhi Al Menhali, Assistant Undersecretary of Resources and Support Services at the Ministry of Interior; Major General Dr. Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi, Inspector General of the Ministry of Interior; Major General Jassem  Muhammad Al Marzouqui, Civil Defense  General Commander-in-chief; Major General Khamis Matar Al Muzainah,  Commander General of the Dubai Police; Major General Dr. Abdul Quddous Abdul Razzaq Al Obaidly, Director General of Total Quality at Dubai Police; Brigadier Ali Abdullah bin Alwan Al Nuaimi, Commander-in-Chief of RAK Police; Brigadier Saif Mohammad Al Zari Al Shamesi Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police; Brigadier Sheikh Sultan bin Abdullah Al Nuaimi, Commander-in-Chief of Ajman Police; Brigadier Sheikh Rashid bin Ahmed Al Mualla, Commander-in-Chief of Umm Al Quwain Police; and Brigadier Mohammed Ahmed bin Ghanim Al Kaabi, Commander-in-Chief of Fujairah Police.

Photo Caption: Saif bin Zayed grants Medal of Security Operation to Police Commanders.

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Continuous Development

The Smart Excellence Program aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of institutional excellence; elevate the readiness to participate in the governmental and international awards; and improve the performance of the evaluators by monitoring and following-up on their performance.

The system also facilitates the management for every phase of the Minister of Interior’s Excellence Award, starting from the publication of criteria; receiving applications; managing the arbitration of internal and external assessments; announcing the results in a transparent, neutral and accurate manner; and following up on the fields of improvement to ensure the development of performance. The program provides a comprehensive vision for the development of the award in its next stage (fourth edition) in a bid to cope with the latest changes and developments taking place in the governmental work, in general, and with police bodies, in particular.   

Excellence Awards

    The Distinguished Management Award won by the Ajman Police General headquarters.
    The Distinguished Security Area Award (Al Fujairah Security Area) won by the Fujairah Police General Headquarters.
    Best Security Authority Award won by the Dubai Police General Headquarters.
    The Distinguished Comprehensive Police Station Award won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters (Al Rahba Police Station). The award was received by Major General Omair Muhammad Al Muhairi, Director General of Police Operations at Abu Dhabi Police; and Brigadier Sheikh Mohammed bin Tahnoun Al Nahyan, Director General of Security and Ports Affairs at Abu Dhabi Police. The award is granted to comprehensive police stations that excel in developing and implementing a clear strategic plan and highly efficient human resources. They should accomplish this through coherent security operations that achieve the goals of the station in the area under its jurisdiction, and reflect positive results through the past years, in addition to seeking the implementation of the best global practices. The criteria of the award includes: leadership and its strategy, operations, services, sources management, results achieved by the station in providing performance levels that satisfy all categories of customers.  
    The Ports Security Award (land, sea, air) won by Dubai International Airport.
    The Crime Scene Award won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters. The award was received by Brigadier Sheikh Mohammed bin Tahnoun Al Nahyan, Director General of Security and Ports Affairs at Abu Dhabi Police. The award is granted to organizational units concerned with crime scenes to support and achieve strategic goals, and to implement mechanisms and methodologies through the best local and international practices in collecting evidences and providing results.
    The Strategic Development Award won by the Ajman Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Productivity Measurement Entity Award won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Customer Services Center Award won by the Dubai Police General Headquarters (Bur Dubai Police Station).
    The Partnership Management Award won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters. The award is granted to the sector or the headquarters that excel in managing its partnerships with other entities as per clear and transparent mechanisms, methodologies and standards.
    The Human Resources Satisfaction Award won by the Ajman Police General Headquarters.
    The Green Applications Award won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters. The award was received by Major General Khalil Dawood Badran, Director General of Finance and Services. The award is granted depending on the commitment of federal entities to policies aiming to improve environmental performance; reduce the consumption of resources in the entities’ activities; achieve the objectives of UAE’s strategy of Green Development; adopt precise standards that include leadership and planning; manage the resources, companies and operations; follow up with the results of the entity concerned with assessment of the level of implementation of the UAE’s strategy of Green Development.
    The Planning and Performance Management Award won by the Dubai Police General Headquarters.
    The Information and Knowledge Management Award won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters. The award is granted to the sector or headquarters that excel in developing and implementing strategic plans related to managing information, knowledge and highly efficient human resources. This is accomplished through coherent and connected knowledge-based operations capable of achieving desired goals that reflect positive results in past years, in addition to implementing the best global practices in the field of information and knowledge management.
    The Best Experiment in Rehabilitating and Reforming Inmates/Juveniles, won by the Sharjah Police General Headquarters.
    The Distinguished External Joint Team Award won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters. The award aims to support collective work and promote partnerships. The award is granted to distinguished work teams that achieve excellent results in team work stages that include planning, implementation, result measurement, learning and development. The award is granted to teams concerned with implementing initiatives and projects that are implemented with external partners.
    The Distinguished Internal Performance Enhancement Team, won by the Dubai Police General Headquarters.
    The Distinguished External Joint Team Award won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters. The award aims to support collective work and promote internal partnerships in the Ministry of Interior. The award is granted to distinguished work teams that achieve excellent results in team work stages that include planning, implementation, result measurement, learning and development.
    The Victims Care Award won by the Sharjah Police General Headquarters (Al Tadamoun Bridge Experiment).
    The Government Communication Award won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters. The award is granted to the sector or headquarters that excel in leading, developing, implementing and supporting the implementation of governmental communication strategic plan, along with its related methodologies and systems, and for showing positive results during the past years, with endeavors to implement best global practices in the field of government communications.
    The E-Excellence Award won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters. The award is granted to the sector or headquarters that excel in planning and developing their e-services in an excellent and comprehensive manner, and for implementing and supporting the implementation of e-services policies, and for showing positive results during the past years, with endeavors to implement best global practices in the field of best usage of e-services.
    The distinguished technical/Tactical Team Award won by the Abu Dhabi Police Headquarters (the team of the reducing fatalities of run-over accidents project). The award aims to support collective work of a sector or a headquarters. It is granted to teams that achieve excellent results in the team work stages that include planning, implementation, result measurement, learning and development. The award is dedicated for teams that implement initiatives and projects that use modern technologies in a creative way that enhances corporate performance, main operations, support operations, reduce costs, enhance and develop services, or provide new services.
    The Best Traffic Entity Award won by the Dubai Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Benchmarking Entity won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.
    The Crisis and Disaster Management Award won by the Dubai Police General Headquarters.
    The Innovation Management Award won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters. The award is granted to the sector or headquarters that excel in developing, implementing and supporting the implementation of innovation management strategic plan, along with its related methodologies and systems, and for showing positive results during the past years, with endeavors to implement best global practices in the field of innovation management.
    The Creative Idea Award 2013, won by the Umm Al-Quwain Police General Headquarters.
    The Creative Idea Award 2014, won by the Undersecretary Diwan at the Ministry of Interior.
    The Distinguished Service Development Team, won by the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters. The award aims to support collective work of a sector or headquarters. It is granted to teams that achieve excellent results in the team work stages that include planning, implementation, result measurement, learning and development. The award is dedicated for teams that implement initiatives and projects that aim to enhance services provided to external customers, and increase their satisfaction.

Occupational Awards

    The Best Officer at the Leadership Level Award won by Colonel Thani Butti Al Shamesi from the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Officer at the Supervision Level Award won by First Lieutenant Mohammed Abdul Karim from the Umm Al-Quwain Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Officer at the Tactical/Technical/Engineering Levels Award won by Major Hassan Ali Muthanna Al Harbi from Human Resources and Support Services Sector at the Ministry of Interior.
    The Best Officer at the Specialized Level Award won by Colonel Dr. Khalid Hamad Al Hamadi from the Sharjah Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Officer at the Field Level Award won by First Lieutenant Mariam Darwish Al Hashmi from the Fujairah Police General Headquarters.  
    The Best Officer at the Administrative Level Award won by Captain Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Al Suwaidi from Ajman Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Non-Commissioned Officer and Constable at the Tactical/Technical/Engineering Levels Award won by First Warrant Officer Aisha Saeed Al Shebly from the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Non-Commissioned Officer and Constable at the Specialized Level Award won by First Warrant Officer Ali Ahmed Al Ka’bi from the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Non-Commissioned Officer and Constable at the Field Level Award won by Warrant Officer Ali Al Naqbi from the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Non-Commissioned Officer and Constable at the Administrative Level award won by Corporal Mohammed Salem Al Mehri from the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Non-Commissioned Officer and Constable at the Customer Services Level Award won by First Warrant Officer Rashid Zaid Al Kaldi from the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Civilian Staff Member at the Tactical/Technical/Engineering Level Award won by Mohammed Ahmed Al Kamali from the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Civilian Staff Member at the Specialized Level Award won by Widad Saeed Al Tunaiji from the Naturalization, Residency and Ports Sector.
    The Best Civilian Staff Member at the Field Level Award won by Nader Ibrahim Al Issa from the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Civilian Staff Member at the Administrative Level Award won by Mariam Ahmed Al Shabibi from the Dubai Police General Headquarters.
    The Best Civilian Staff Member at the Customer Services Level Award won by Laila Shahimrad Salari from the Dubai Police General Headquarters.
    The Best New Civilian Staff Member Award won by Engineer Adnan Saleh Lanjawi from the Dubai Police General Headquarters.
    The Creative Employee Award won by First Lieutenant Engineer Hamid Sultan Al Suwaidi from the Dubai Police General Headquarters.
    The Perfect Mother Award won by Captain Taghreed Mohamed Saif from the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.

External Awards

    The Perfect Partner Award won by the Abu Dhabi Municipality (Internal Roads and Infrastructure Management).
    The Community Service Award won by Mohammed Fadel Al Hameli.
    The Perfect Driver Award won by Mohammed Ali Al Hosani.
    The Innovation and Creativity Award won by Amirah Abdulrahman Al Marashda, Hind Al Kendi and Moza Al Samahi from Fujairah Police General Headquarters.

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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-987-1317







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