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"Family Safety" Forum Concludes in Abu Dhabi

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - Tuesday, January 26th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

During the Family Security and Safety forum, the Abu Dhabi Police announced the recognition of the ideal family, mother, father, son and most secure house through prizes. These awards will promote family values ​​and bonding in order to positively impact the community’s stability and security. The awards’ details will be announced soon.

The forum, which concluded recently, was organized by the Abu Dhabi Department of Community Police in the Heritage Village at Emirates Park Zoo. Topics discussed were the importance of family bonding, how to strengthen it in a manner that increases the community coherence and bonding, and cooperation in addressing negative aspects, as well as the role of partners in this regard.

Colonel Mubarak Bin Muhairom, Director General of Community Protection and Crime Prevention at the Ministry of Interior, said that the forum stressed the interdependence and cooperation of police leaders and partners to address negative aspects and focus on family bonding as the first building block in the construction of society. He expressed his thanks and appreciation to the partners who have contributed to the forum events in order to enhance the community’s security and safety.

According to Colonel Bin Muhairom, a team of police and partners will be formed to address community problems, cooperate in finding solutions, and benefit from the results of a questionnaire distributed to forum partners and audience members, which asks them to evaluate the forum and write their suggestions to develop and improve the next forum’s activities. He noted that the next forum will include training courses on first aid, methods of home insurance against fire and theft, and other sessions about the adjustment of children’s behavior.

The forum activities featured several awareness and cultural lectures on familial relationships and the factors that strengthen the relationships’ cohesion. These lectures cooperation to create a family environment that improves the upbringing of children, so that the family is an role model for creating a secure and stable society surrounded by precious care and ethics.

Captain Salem Suhail Al Ameri, Acting Chief of Community Police Affairs Section in the Peripheral Regions Directorate, said, “the forum’s events have provided many awareness and cultural lectures to parents and children, covering educational basics, child care and solid foundations for good conduct. This will foster a sense of belonging in the child, who will defend his nation’s integrity. The events also featured some of the activities and recreational contests that enlightened the children’s minds and encourages their spirit of participation.”

“The events included many religious lectures for children to identify the tolerant Islamic rituals through a group of preachers, in order to introduce them to the high cultural values ​​inherent in our religion,” he added.

He pointed out that the bulk of the attention was directed to children through the program that included a “Protect Children from Risks” panel discussion, organized by the Ministry of Interior’s Child Protection Center. The seminar covered the proper methods to protect and take care of children, and the optimal ways to raise and shield them from community dangers, so that each of them grows up completely able to defend himself.

The closing day attracted a large audience of families and children, featuring a series of events and activities which catered to them. These events included entertainment shows, puppet theater, sniffer dog shows, camel rides, interesting musical performances played by the military musical band, and popular cartoon shows.

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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-666-4891







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